Space News & Blog Articles

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NASA orders 3 more SpaceX Crew Dragon flights to space station

NASA has awarded a nearly $3.5 billion contract to SpaceX to provide three additional Crew Dragon launches to the International Space Station.

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Jupiter's big moon Ganymede casts giant shadow in stunning Juno photo by citizen scientist

A powerful new picture of Jupiter posted by a citizen scientist shows the planet looming large with the shadow of its biggest moon Ganymede blanketing its clouds.

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Astra traces February launch failure to issues with payload fairing, software

Astra thinks it knows what went wrong during last month's failed flight, which was the company's first-ever mission with operational payloads onboard.

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5 Marvel characters who deserve their own show

Move over Falcon, there’s a whole group of awesome Marvel characters who deserve their own show, waiting in the wings.

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NASA space telescope uses 'nuisance light' to peer at neutron star

After 10 years in space, a NASA space telescope now has a way to use "nuisance light" to potentially increase its science productivity.

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The James Webb Space Telescope will show us more stars than we've ever seen before

The data provided by Webb will be a boon to astronomers around the world. Here's what they hope to learn.

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5 Star Wars characters who deserve their own show

It's a big galaxy out there full of many different and interesting people (and aliens). These are the Star Wars characters who deserve their own show and a chance to share their tale.

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Too much of a good thing: Early impacts delivered iron to Earth but almost wiped out life

A recent study has found that the hazards posed by large impactors far outweighed their benefits for life on Earth.

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Everything we know about The Mandalorian season 3

We look at where The Mandalorian season 3 is likely to head, with plot details, rumored returning characters, and more. Spoilers ahead!

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Methuselah: The oldest star in the universe

If the oldest star in the universe is more than 14 billion years old that would make it older than the universe itself! We investigate this space mystery.

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Watery graves: Should we be ditching big spacecraft over Earth's oceans?

Is dumping space junk over the South Pacific a good idea? Or can we do better?

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The curse and silver lining of Martian dust storms – Commander's report: sol 10

Commander Michaela Musilova shares how the Valoria 3 crew has been creative in dealing with bad weather on Mars. This includes conducting spacewalks, doing experiments and bonding greatly as a space family.

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How do viruses affect astronauts in space? Here's what we know so far.

Viruses can affect astronauts in space, even if they quarantine before launch.

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Best sci-fi books of 2022

Here’s a scintillating selection of the best sci-fi books of 2022, with modern hits and sci-fi classics for you to enjoy.

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When NASA's Parker Solar Probe flew close by the sun, telescopes were watching from Earth and space

Telescopes on Earth and in space caught the sun in their view as the Parker Solar Probe made its 11th daring close flyby Feb. 25.

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China wants its new rocket for astronaut launches to be reusable

China is planning for its new generation crew launch vehicle to have a reusable first stage.

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About Who we are and how to contact us is the premier source of space exploration, innovation and astronomy news, chronicling (and celebrating) humanity's ongoing expansion across the final frontier. Meet our team.

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James Webb Space Telescope will study super-bright quasars to understand early universe

Some of the James Webb Space Telescope's first science will probe the role quasars play in early galaxy evolution.

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Curiosity rover snaps close-up of tiny 'mineral flower' on Mars

A new image taken by the Curiosity rover reveals a tiny, flower-like mineral deposit less than half an inch wide on the Martian surface.

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Romania signs the Artemis Accords for space exploration cooperation

The country of Romania has signed the Artemis Accords, becoming the 16th nation to join the NASA-led project for cooperation in space.

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Tiny laser-propelled spaceships could travel to the far reaches of the solar system and beyond

Miniature spaceships the size of cellphones could fly across the solar system using sails propelled by lasers, reaching distant destinations on very reasonable timescales.

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