Space News & Blog Articles

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Iconic British meteorite 'Winchcombe' found to have a smashing past

A detailed analysis of the Winchcombe meteorite has found evidence that its parent asteroid was altered by water before being smashed apart multiple times.

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Object that slammed into Florida home was indeed space junk from ISS, NASA confirms

The small object that crashed through the roof of a Florida home last month was indeed part of a pallet jettisoned from the ISS three years ago, NASA has confirmed.

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Venus is leaking carbon and oxygen, a fleeting visit by BepiColombo reveals

BepiColombo spotted an outpour of carbon and oxygen atoms in Venus' fragile magnetic environment

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I flew Boeing's Starliner spacecraft in 4 different simulators. Here's what I learned (video, photos)

Boeing Starliner astronauts spent hundreds of hours in simulators preparing for Crew Test Flight, which lifts off May 6. I got a brief taste of what they experienced.

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Do black holes hide the secrets of their ancestors?

Some black holes are so massive they were likely created as smaller black holes that merged. Maybe we can use such black hole "children" to learn about the black hole "ancestors."

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NASA's Mars sample return plan is getting a revamp: 'The bottom line is that $11 billion is too expensive'

NASA is asking its various research centers as well as private industry for new ideas about how to get Mars samples back to Earth relatively quickly and cost-effectively.

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NASA astronaut Loral O'Hara missed the total solar eclipse, but saw Earth 'moving' below her during spacewalk (photos)

NASA astronaut Loral O'Hara missed watching an eclipse from the ISS by days. But she did participate in the 4th all-woman spacewalk, and has a unique story about a baby octopus.

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These 3 stars are losing weight fast — thanks to stellar winds way stronger than the sun's

Astronomers have measured the stellar winds of three sun-like stars for the first time, finding that the objects are losing mass at a rate as great as 67 times the speed at which our star sheds matter.

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Nuclear fusion reactor in South Korea runs at 100 million degrees C for a record-breaking 48 seconds

The experimental fusion reactor sustained temperatures of 180 million degrees Fahrenheit for a record-breaking 48 seconds.

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1st female ISS program manager looks ahead to new spaceships, space stations (exclusive)

NASA's Dana Weigel has held leadership positions at the agency for 20 years. Now leading the ISS program, she highlighted the outpost's increasingly commercial focus.

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This little robot can hop in zero-gravity to explore asteroids

A three-legged robot named SpaceHopper could help combat challenges of exploring low-gravity environments, such as asteroids or moons.

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This Week In Space podcast: Episode 106 — Space Potpourri!

On Episode 106 of This Week In Space, Rod and Tariq take you on a tour of the coolest space places on Earth.

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Tiny black holes left over from the Big Bang may be prime dark matter suspects

Don't rule out primordial black holes as dark matter suspects just yet! Particle-sized black holes may resist evaporation, surviving long enough to account for the universe's most mysterious stuff.

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'You could feel the energy and wonder': Despite clouds, totality wows crowds during solar eclipse in Syracuse

The total solar eclipse on April 8 plunged Syracuse, New York's Milton J. Rubenstein Museum of Science & Technology into darkness for 90 seconds, creating a wondrous and memorable totality.

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Artemis 2 Orion spacecraft starts testing ahead of moon mission with astronauts in 2025 (video)

The Artemis 2 Orion spacecraft began testing on April 10 in an altitude chamber at NASA. The spacecraft will bring four astronauts around the moon no earlier than 2025.

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In a virtual reality universe, upcoming 'JUICE' mission flies by Jupiter's moon Callisto

To test its autonomous software, the JUICE mission team pretended to fly the spacecraft past Jupiter's fourth moon, and passed the exam with flying colors.

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SpaceX Starship will be 500 feet tall to prepare for Mars missions, Elon Musk says (video)

Just weeks after Starship first reached orbital speed during a spaceflight in March, SpaceX founder Elon Musk outlined what the company wants to do with future spacecraft for Mars missions.

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ULA chronicles the rise of Vulcan rocket in new employee-drawn comic book

Vulcan, United Launch Alliance's new heavy-lift rocket, was not the result of being exposed to gamma rays or the bite of a radioactive spider, but it does have an origin story worthy of a comic book.

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Watch an exclusive clip from the CNN' 'Space Shuttle Columbia: The Final Flight' finale (video)

CNN's space documentary, "Space Shuttle Columbia: The Final Flight" reaches its finale on April 14. You can watch an exclusive clip now.

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'Fly Me to the Moon' trailer mixes real-life Apollo history with moon landing hoax

Watching the new trailer for the upcoming movie "Fly Me to the Moon" might leave you thinking that it is an entire work of fiction. And for the most part, you would be correct.

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HALO Space unveils capsule design for stratospheric space 'glamping'

Spanish start-up HALO Space has unveiled its capsule design for stratospheric space tourism.

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