Space News & Blog Articles

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Private Odysseus moon lander broke a leg during historic touchdown. 'He's a scrappy little dude.' (new photos)

Intuitive Machines' Odysseus moon lander overcame a number of hurdles during its epic Feb. 22 touchdown, including one or more broken legs.

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How to watch SpaceX launch Crew-8 astronauts to the space station on March 2 (free livestream)

How to watch SpaceX launch four astronauts to the International Space Station on March 2.

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James Webb Space Telescope sees the infrared skeleton of a galaxy (image)

This pretty spiral galaxy is an important milestone for cosmologists seeking to understand the expansion of the universe.

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'Constellation' season 1 episode 4 review: Compelling drama makes up for a thin mystery

In its fourth episode, 'Constellation' finds a satisfying balance between personal conflicts and the underbaked conundrum at the center of it all.

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Near miss! NASA satellite, dead Russian spacecraft zoom past each other in orbit

NASA's TIMED Earth-observation satellite and a dead Russian spacecraft nearly slammed into one another high above our heads this morning (Feb. 28).

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India unveils astronauts for 1st human spaceflight mission in 2025

India has revealed a shortlist of air force pilots who will fly on the country's first human spaceflight mission, which is targeted for 2025.

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Meet the SpaceX Crew-8 astronauts launching to the ISS on March 1

Four new astronauts are scheduled to launch to the International Space Station on Friday as part of NASA's SpaceX Crew-8 mission.

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'It's white-knuckle time:' NASA chief stresses safety for Crew-8 astronaut launch

In a pre-launch press briefing today (Feb. 28), NASA leadership stressed the fact that no matter how routine commercial launches might seem, safety is always the highest priority for the agency.

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Can you capture the comet's tail? Scientists need help from astrophotographers

Researchers are calling on amateur astronomers to help photograph the broken tail of a comet on track to pass by Earth this spring.

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How to fly a drone: Three simple practice maneuvers to improve your flight skills

Instantly increase your confidence and improve your flying skills with a greater understanding of how drone controls work

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James Webb Space Telescope finds dwarf galaxies packed enough punch to reshape the entire early universe

The James Webb Space Telescope investigated low-mass galaxies from the early universe, finding most of these dwarf galaxies' light drove a vital phase of cosmic evolution.

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NASA radar images show stadium-sized asteroid tumbling by Earth during flyby (photos)

NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory used a powerful Deep Space Network radar antenna to image asteroid 2008 OS7 as it spun harmlessly past Earth on Feb. 2, 2024.

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Apollo astronaut's granddaughter opens immersive moonwalk experience in Dallas

What do you get when you mix an Apollo astronaut's legacy with a trio of shipping containers, VR technology, the cousin of a 'Star Wars' robot and an escape room? A chance to go to the moon.

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Put on your eclipse glasses and look up to see the biggest sunspot in years before it disappears from view

The AR3590 solar region has grown to become the is the largest sunspot of the solar cycle and can be seen with eclispe glasses. The region was already a record breaker, responsible for the most powerful solar flare seen since 2017.

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NASA's Dana Weigel will be the 1st female ISS program manager

NASA's Dana Weigel will helm the International Space Station program for NASA. She will succeed Joel Montalbano, who will take on an associate administrator position in April.

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Intuitive Machines' Odysseus probe beams home more photos from historic moon landing

Intuitive Machines' Odysseus moon lander has beamed home a few selfies snapped during its pioneering descent to the lunar surface last week.

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James Webb Space Telescope finds 'extremely red' supermassive black hole growing in the early universe

Using the James Webb Space Telescope, astronomers discovered an "extremely red," growing supermassive black hole powering a quasar that existed 700 million years after the Big Bang.

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India completes critical test for Gaganyaan flight crewed by humanoid robot later this year

Early last week, ISRO successfully completed the final test to qualify its Gaganyaan rocket engine, approving it to be capable of safely ferrying astronauts to space.

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Computer-simulated moon dust may help lunar robots pass a major hurdle

Scientists have developed a new computer model that simulates how moon dust behaves in lunar gravity. They hope it will keep future moon exploration robots safe.

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Black hole's powerful eruption creates a string of stellar jewelry

A powerful jet erupting from a distant supermassive black hole released 100,000 trillion times more energy than the sun will over its entire life, forging a chain of star clusters.

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Radar images reveal damage on Europe's doomed ERS-2 satellite during final orbits

As Europe's ERS-2 satellite tumbled through the sky, radar images picked up some of the damage it experienced during its final moments.

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