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SpaceX's new direct-to-cell Starlink satellites relay their 1st text messages

SpaceX just broke in its newly launched direct-to-cell Starlink satellites, using them to send text messages for the first time.

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See the elusive planet Mercury at its best and brightest on Friday

The elusive planet Mercury reaches its furthest point from the sun on Friday (Jan. 12), with this separation allowing skywatchers a rare chance to spot the tiny planet.

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Private Peregrine moon lander powers up lunar payloads despite propulsion anomaly

Astrobotic's latest mission update on its Peregrine moon lander indicates that, despite a crippling propulsion system anomaly, the mission's payloads are working as planned.

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January's new moon welcomes Mercury as a 'morning star'

The first new moon of 2024 occurs on January 11, leaving the skies dark for stargazers to find Mercury at its most visible during its greatest separation from the sun.

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Nearby exoplanet may be rich in life-giving water, study finds

Researchers have just come a step closer to uncovering the secrets of an alien planet that may be the most likely of all known extrasolar worlds to host life.

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SETI scientists begin huge new hunt for intelligent aliens

The search for alien technosignatures has dramatically expanded, thanks to a new experiment called COSMIC.

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'Missing link' supernova connects star's death to birth of black hole or neutron star

Astronomers have discovered a "missing link" supernova that directly connects the death of a massive star to the birth of a black hole or a neutron star.

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Massive Mars dust storm spotted by China's Tianwen-1 probe (photos)

China's Tianwen-1 Mars orbiter spotted a massive dust storm near Olympus Mons, the biggest mountain in the solar system.

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China won't beat US Artemis astronauts to the moon, NASA chief says

After declaring last year that we're in a space race, NASA Administrator Bill Nelson is now unconcerned that China will beat the United States in returning astronauts to the moon.

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DWARFLAB Dwarf II smart telescope review

The book-sized DWARFLAB Dwarf II is a much more budget-friendly smart telescope than the competition, but does it hold its own against them?

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Doomed Peregrine moon lander snaps another selfie as it zooms away from Earth (photo)

Astrobotic's Peregrine moon lander snapped another in-space selfie as it cruised away from Earth, toward a date with lunar destiny that it can no longer keep.

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UAE to provide airlock for NASA's moon-orbiting Gateway space station

The United Arab Emirates will build an airlock for NASA's moon-orbiting Gateway space station, and will get to send an astronaut to the outpost for the contribution.

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Hubble Telescope finds surprising source of brightest fast radio burst ever

The brightest fast radio burst ever observed flashed from a group of ancient galaxies, the Hubble Space Telescope has found, and astronomers are surprised.

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SpaceX targeting February for Starship's 3rd flight test

SpaceX's massive, reusable Starship rocket made two test flights in 2023, and company representatives now say the third flight test could come as soon as February 2024.

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China's 1st launch of 2024 puts 4 small weather satellites into orbit (video)

A Kuaizhou 1A solid rocket launched four Tianmu-1 weather satellites on Jan. 5, on the first of what will be many Chinese missions in 2024.

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Watch this self-eating rocket prototype engine consume itself then explode (video)

British researchers have tested a prototype self-eating rocket that could launch tiny satellites cheaply and without leaving any debris behind.

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Private Peregrine moon lander failure won't stop NASA's ambitious commercial lunar program

Despite anomalies experienced by the Peregrine lunar lander scientists are looking ahead to upcoming missions under NASA's Commercial Lunar Payload Services program.

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China launches 'lobster eye' Einstein Probe to study black holes, neutron stars and more (video)

On Jan. 9, China launched its Einstein Probe to observe the X-ray sky, hunting for high-energy light from neutron stars, feeding black holes and other exotic objects.

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The mystery of vast 'cosmic ORCs' — odd radio circles that encompass entire galaxies — may be solved

Mysterious "odd radio circles" or ORCs that compass entire galaxies may have finally been explained, with astronomers pointing the finger at winds from bursts of supernova star explosions.

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Mystery solved! 1st close-up images of giant star explain its bizarre dimming

The first close-up images of the gigantic star RW Cephei explain why it appeared to mysteriously grow dimmer in recent years before brightening once more.

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Why you don't need to get to the centerline for April's total solar eclipse — and what will happen at the edge

If you understand the importance of the path of totality, then you may be heading for the centerline, but there are lots of reasons not to.

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