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The other astronauts in 'A Million Miles Away' react to the new film and its focus

They may not be the focus of 'A Million Miles Away,' but the crewmates who flew with José Hernández are happy to see him celebrated on the big screen, just as they were to accompany him into space.

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This was the hottest summer ever recorded on Earth

Earth just had its hottest summer in recorded history, data released Wednesday (Sept. 6) by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) reveals.

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Luna-25 failure won't be end of Russia's moon program, Putin says

Russia will continue its lunar exploration efforts despite the recent loss of its Luna-25 moon lander, according to Russian leader Vladimir Putin.

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Astronomers weigh ancient galaxies' dark matter haloes for 1st time

Astronomers have weighed the halos of dark matter that surround ancient galaxies with profound implications for our understanding of cosmic evolution.

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September's new moon points the way to Mars, Jupiter and more

September's new moon rises tonight (Sept. 14). Here's what you can expect to see in the night sky around this time.

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'Lightning' on Venus is actually meteors burning up in planet's atmosphere, study says

Tiny meteors burning up in Venus' atmosphere cause light flashes that have long been interpreted as lightning bolts, according to new research.

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'It's been an incredible challenge:' NASA astronaut tells all on setting new record for longest US spaceflight (video)

NASA astronaut Frank Rubio spoke from the International Space Station about how it felt to surpass the previous U.S. single mission spaceflight record of 355 days.

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Scientists may finally know why the sun's outer atmosphere is so freakishly hot

Our host star's corona is hotter than its 'surface.' It's unclear as to why.

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James Webb Space Telescope watches seasons change on Saturn (video)

Using the James Webb Space Telescope, astronomers have observed the changing of seasons on Saturn. The ringed planet's northern summer is cooling as a 7.5-year-long autumn approaches.

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Einstein cross! Gravitationally lensed 'flower' spotted in deep space (photo)

A new image from the European Southern Observatory captures a cosmic wildflower in space.

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Vladimir Putin meets North Korea's Kim Jong-un at Russia's Vostochny Cosmodrome spaceport for 5-hour summit

Vladimir Putin met with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un at a Russian spaceport on Wednesday (Sept. 13), likely discussing a range of possibilities for space-related cooperation.

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'I am horrified': Archaeologists are fuming over ancient human relative remains sent to edge of space

Scientists are calling the Virgin Galactic mission that carried the bones of Australopithecus sediba and Homo naledi to the edge of space a major ethical breach.

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Devastation wrought by Medicane Daniel revealed in satellite photos

Satellite images reveal the scale of destruction wrought by medicane Daniel on Libya, where temporary lakes and river systems sprang up across the desert landscape.

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7 places in the US Southwest to see rare 'edge effects' during annular solar eclipse on Oct. 14

Where and when to see rare edge effects like Baily's beads during the annular solar eclipse on Oct. 14, 2023.

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Axiom Space names Ax-3 astronaut crew for SpaceX mission to ISS

Former NASA astronaut Michael López-Alegría will once again head an Axiom Space mission on Ax-3. Joining him is a Swedish European Space Agency reserve astronaut, an Italian Virgin Galactic astronaut and Turkey's first citizen in space.

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China sends record-setting Tianzhou 5 cargo spacecraft to fiery death (video)

Tianzhou 5, which docked with China's Tiangong space station just two hours after launching last November, has completed its orbital tasks and met its fiery fate.

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Russia rolls Soyuz rocket to the pad ahead of Sept. 15 astronaut launch to ISS (photos)

Photos captured the journey of Russia's Soyuz rocket to the launchpad ahead of the MS-24 launch of astronauts to the International Space Station.

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'For All Mankind' need recruits for Mars in 4th season on Apple TV+ (video)

Ed Baldwin wants you for Mars. The Apollo astronaut-turned-commander of a private mission to the Red Planet is in need of a few good Martians, as seen in the teaser for "For All Mankind," Season 4.

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NASA's Lucy asteroid-hopping probe captures 1st snapshot of space rock 'Dinky' (photo)

NASA's Lucy spacecraft just sent home an impressive glimpse of the smallest asteroid target on its 12-year agenda to study intriguing space rocks.

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A big telescope on the moon could peer deeper into the universe than James Webb

A big telescope on the moon could peer deeper into the universe than the famed James Webb Telescope and perhaps even help find life on exoplanets, scientists say.

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'Ahsoka' season 1 episode 5 review: The trip down memory lane fans were waiting for

The fifth episode of Ahsoka evades cheap fan service and focuses on a meaningful, nostalgic journey of our heroine.

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