Space News & Blog Articles

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DART mission reveals asteroid Dimorphos is dry as a bone

Careful scrutiny of the debris from the impact of NASA's DART mission into Dimorphos has not found any evidence for water ice on the asteroid, nor the residue of thruster fuel from the spacecraft.

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Private Japanese moon lander reaches lunar orbit

The Hakuto-R moon lander entered lunar orbit late Monday night (March 20), notching a huge milestone for the Japanese company ispace and private spaceflight in general.

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Building block of life found in sample from asteroid Ryugu

An organic compound that's part of the RNA molecules that transmit genetic information in cells has been discovered in samples from the asteroid Ryugu, suggesting the stuff of life came from space.

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Watch Jupiter meet the moon and Mercury this week before leaving the night sky

Jupiter will meet up with the moon before joining Mercury in late March, after which it will disappear in the glare of the sun until it reappears in May.

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Mysterious radio signal reveals intricate core of distant galaxy cluster

Astronomers have discovered several fascinating features in galaxy cluster Abell 1213 such as a central galaxy with a 1.66 million light-year-long radio "tail" and remains of galactic mergers.

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Spot dwarf planet Ceres during the new moon tonight (March 21)

The dark skies of the new moon will offer skywatchers the chance to spot Ceres tonight (March 21), as the dwarf planet reaches opposition.

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Watch Rocket Lab launch 2 satellites, recover booster early on March 22

Rocket Lab plans to launch two satellites early Wednesday morning (March 22), on a mission that includes a booster recovery at sea. Watch it live here.

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Astronauts that hibernate on long spaceflights is not just for sci-fi. We could test it in 10 years.

First hibernation studies with human subjects could be feasible within a decade, a European Space Agency (ESA) researcher thinks.

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Watch solar tornado as tall as 14 Earths hurl plasma cloud into space (video)

NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured what might be 'the tallest tornado' in the solar system swirling across the north pole of the sun.

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Two moons of Uranus may have active subsurface oceans

The Uranus moons Ariel and Miranda may have active oceans blasting plumes of particles into space, a new look at data collected by NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft suggests.

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Win a free copy of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 1 in this Facebook giveaway! and Paramount are teaming together to offer a chance to win a free Blu-Ray Steelbook edition of the critically-acclaimed first season.

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How much water lurks beneath an exoplanet's surface? New tool could help astronomers tell

A new method could allow astronomers to assess exoplanets' likely subsurface water stores, aiding the search for worlds capable of supporting life as we know it.

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1st map of moon water could help Artemis astronauts live at the lunar south pole

Astronomers have completed the first map of water distribution on the moon, including that more water is found in shaded lunar regions than in sunlit ones.

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Virgin Orbit eyes options as it works to generate cash flow: report

Launch company Virgin Orbit is engaging companies for discussions after furloughing most of its staff last week, according to media reports.

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Bad news for alien life? Even calm red dwarf stars rage more violently than the sun

Even quiet red dwarfs are prone to extreme outbursts that put our sun to shame, with significant implications on the search for alien life.

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Joby Compact Advanced tripod review

The Joby Compact Advanced tripod is small and compact, but is its small payload worth the price?

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Europa Clipper: A guide to NASA's new astrobiology mission

The Europa Clipper is NASA's mission to explore Jupiter's icy moon Europa. Explore the mission in more detail with our ultimate guide.

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William Shatner reflects on his new film, 'Star Trek,' space travel and not attending Leonard Nimoy's funeral

Variety interviewed William Shatner for his new life-spanning documentary 'You Can Call Me Bill.'

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Hubble Space Telescope spies 'irregular' spiral galaxy in Ursa Major (photo)

An image from the Hubble Space Telescope captures an irregular spiral galaxy known as NGC 5486, which lies close to the much larger and well-known Pinwheel Galaxy.

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Monster black hole may have killed this galaxy's star-forming power, James Webb Telescope reveals

New James Webb Space Telescope observations reveal that the galaxy GS-9209 had its star-forming power abruptly “quenched” by mysterious forces after millions of years of productivity.

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March equinox 2023 brings spring to the Northern Hemisphere with a not-so-equal timing twist

On March 20 at 5:24 p.m. EDT (2:24 p.m. PDT) the spring (or vernal) equinox occurs as the sun's rays shine directly down on the equator.

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