Space News & Blog Articles

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Chinese surveillance balloon spotted in US airspace causes international stir

China's foreign ministry confirmed that a high-altitude spy balloon seen flying over the northern United States this week was a Chinese airship, claiming that the vehicle is a weather balloon.

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The bright moon meets up with the Gemini twins tonight (Feb. 3)

The moon has a date with the bright stellar twins of Gemini, Castor, and Pollux, on Friday night.

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Miniature sun with simulated gravity could help prepare us for deadly solar storms

The tiny sun used sound waves to simulate the sun's swirling mass of plasma

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Good Lawd! Mass of lone "dead star" measured for the first time

Using the Hubble Space Telescope astronomers have measured the mass of a lone white dwarf star, LAWD 37, the kind of stellar remnant our sun will leave behind.

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Astronomers discover potential habitable exoplanet only 31 light-years from Earth

Wolf 1069 b offers a unique opportunity to study a potentially habitable and tidally locked exoplanet.

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Rare green comet's close approach a feast for astrophotographers (photos)

A rare green comet that hasn't been seen since the time of the Neaderthals made its closest approach to Earth on Feb. 1, and astrophotographers all over the world couldn't peel their eyes off it.

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Spaceport Cornwall: The ultimate guide to the UK's first spaceport

Spaceport Cornwall is the UK's first licensed spaceport. Here we explore the air-launch hub in more detail.

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Zero-gravity parabolic flights get surge of demand for spaceflight work

Commercial astronauts, disability advocates and private space experiment makers are adding more parabolic airplane flights to Zero-G's manifest.

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Tricky alien worlds easier to find when humans and machines team up

A combination of citizen science and machine learning is a promising new technique for astronomers looking for exoplanets.

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Curiosity rover finds metallic meteorite on Mars

NASA's Curiosity rover has rolled up on another meteorite on Mars, an iron-nickel rock the mission team has dubbed "Cacao."

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Chaotic 'knot' of merging galaxy clusters captured in multiple wavelengths

Combining X-ray, radio, optical and infrared wavelengths, astronomers have imaged the messy collision of three galactic clusters leading to the formation of Abell 2256.

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With a 'wiggle and nudge,' spacewalking astronauts install stubborn array mount outside space station

Two spacewalking astronauts wiggled a stubborn strut into place, completing the installation of a solar array platform outside the International Space Station.

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Watch a drone drop a microgravity capsule in 1st-of-its-kind experiment (video)

A British startup has performed a first-of-its-kind microgravity experiment using a drone.

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With moon crews to assign, Joe Acaba named NASA's new chief astronaut

As NASA nears selecting its first crew to fly to the moon in more than 50 years, the agency has a new leader for its astronaut corps, Joe Acaba, who has flown into space on three missions.

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Artemis 1 moon rocket looks ready for astronaut missions, NASA says

NASA's Space Launch System megarocket aced its first-ever liftoff late last year and appears ready to take the next big step — launching astronauts.

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New satellite to police carbon dioxide emitters from space

The first-ever satellite designed to detect major emitters of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide is set to launch to space this year.

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Saturn's moon Mimas may be a 'stealth' ocean world

The icy Saturn moon Mimas may have a geologically young internal ocean surrounded by a thinning ice shell, new research suggests.

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Save $127 on the Celestron NexStar 5SE computerized telescope

You can now get a huge $127 off the sophisticated Celestron NexStar 5SE computerized telescope when you get it on Amazon.

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Holes in sun's atmosphere can help predict space weather on Earth

Magnetic properties of coronal holes in the sun's atmosphere can help forecast the severity of geomagnetic storms that hit Earth.

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Gigantic 'alien' comet spotted heading straight for the sun

Scientists think it may have come from another solar system.

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Xenomorphs hatch from the deep freeze in Marvel’s new 'Alien' comic series

Marvel Comics has released a first fearful look at a new "Alien" comic coming this spring.

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