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Video: Solar Orbiter catches Mercury crossing sun's disk

Watch Mercury cross in front of the sun's disk in this video captured by the European Solar Orbiter spacecraft.

All of Jupiter's Large Moons Have Auroras

Jupiter is well known for its spectacular aurorae, thanks in no small part to the Juno orbiter and recent images taken by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). Like Earth, these dazzling displays result from charged solar particles interacting with Jupiter’s magnetic field and atmosphere. Over the years, astronomers have also detected faint aurorae in the atmospheres of Jupiter’s largest moons (aka. the “Galilean Moons“). These are also the result of interaction, in this case, between Jupiter’s magnetic field and particles emanating from the moons’ atmospheres.

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Some Elements Arrived on Earth by Surfing Supernova Shock Waves

When stars die, they spread the elements they’ve created in their cores out to space. But, other objects and processes in space also create elements. Eventually, that “star stuff” scatters across the galaxy in giant debris clouds. Later on—sometimes millions of years later—it settles onto planets. What’s the missing link between element creation and deposition on some distant world?

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Italian Amateur Astronomer Discovers Dwarf Galaxies

Three dwarf galaxies around the Sculptor Galaxy have come to light thanks to the work of an amateur astronomer.

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The Hubble Space Telescope spots three galaxies about to collide

The Hubble Space Telescope has imaged three galaxies on a collision course. The galaxies are located in the constellation Boötes and will eventually collide and merge to birth a single massive galaxy.

Follow Perseverance on Its Mars Journey With This Two-Year Timelapse

Hard to believe, but the Perseverance Rover has begun its third year exploring Mars. On Feb. 18, 2021,  Perseverance rover survived the harrowing landing at Jezero Crater, and almost immediately, began an expedition to collect a geologically diverse set of rock samples, ones that could help answer the question if Mars once had ancient microbial life.

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China silent on fate of Zhurong Mars rover on 2nd anniversary of Tianwen 1 mission

China's Zhurong Mars rover remains silent despite being expected to wake up in December — but there's still hope that the vehicle could rise from its extended slumber.

Kerbal Space Program 2 makes it easier than ever to launch — and crash — rockets (exclusive 1st look video)

Kerbal Space Program 2 launches in Early Access on Feb. 24 and is easier to use, with interstellar space exploration and more to come. Here's our first hands-on look.

If Planet 9 has Moons, Would That Help Us Find It?

Planet 9 continues to remain elusive. This potential super-Earth-sized object in the outer Solar System is only hypothetical, as something out there appears to be gravitationally influencing several Kuiper Belt Objects into unusual orbits. Whatever or wherever it may be, Planet 9 has yet to be found, despite several different hypotheses and numerous observational searches.  

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Asteroid targeted by NASA's Lucy spacecraft gets a marvelous name

The asteroid that NASA's Lucy craft will visit in Nov 2023 has finally been given a name, Dinkinesh, meaning "you are marvelous" in Amharic.

Former astronaut Chris Cassidy raises hand for My Hand My Cause photo

Former astronaut Chris Cassidy, who spent 378 days in space, is lending his hand to My Hand My Cause, a newly launched photographic, philanthropic fundraiser.

Very Large Telescope photographs its lightest ever exoplanet

The Very Large Telescope in Chile took images of its lightest exoplanet yet after data from two European sky-mapping missions indicated something was tugging at the orbit of a distant young star.

Mercury’s black disc helps sharpen Solar Orbiter’s view

This year started with a nice imaging opportunity for Solar Orbiter, and a chance to further improve the quality of its data. On 3 January 2023, inner planet Mercury crossed the spacecraft’s field of view, resulting in a transit where Mercury appeared as a perfectly black circle moving across the face of the Sun.

Deliver Us Mars: Are we there yet? Red Planet game takes patience and dexterity

You won't arrive at your destination for several hours after beginning Deliver Us Mars, but the world-building makes it worth the wait.

February's new moon makes this a great night to view the Winter Triangle

The moon will be completely dark tonight as it enters the new moon phase of its 29.5-day cycle.

Hubble telescope captures dazzling stellar duo in Orion Nebula (photo)

The Hubble Space Telescope captured a dazzling new view of two tempestuous young stars in the nearby Orion Nebula.

Event Horizon Telescope spies a black hole powering a super bright monster object

Astronomers using the Event Horizon Telescope were able to see a supermassive blackhole powering a super bright quasar at the heart of a distant galaxy.

Call opens for ESA’s twelfth Earth Explorer

Understanding Earth’s delicate natural balance and how it is being altered by human activity is not only key to advancing science but also fundamental to acting on environmental issues, the climate crisis, and preparing for their societal impact. With their hallmark of demonstrating novel space technologies and returning scientific excellence, ESA’s family of Earth observing Earth Explorer research satellite missions are world-renowned – and now it’s time for scientists to pitch their new ideas for the twelfth mission in this outstanding series.

Happy Presidents Day: George Washington’s Hair Set to Go to Deep Space

If it turns out that a future extraterrestrial invasion force is headed by a clone of George Washington, we’ll have only ourselves to blame.

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Euclid electromagnetic compatibility tests successful


ESA’s Euclid mission is undergoing the final test before launch in July 2023.

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Meteor Explodes Over English Channel, Moon Breakthrough, Dark Matter Galaxy

Blue Origin wants to build solar panels on the Moon, out of the Moon, SpaceX sold its floating landing pads, and another asteroid hits Earth exactly where and when astronomers predicted.

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