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SpaceX fires engines of Starship Super Heavy booster ahead of test flight (video)

SpaceX ignited multiple Raptor engines on a Starship prototype called Booster 7 during a test in South Texas on Tuesday (Nov. 29).

'Andor' concludes epic first season with a slightly confusing finale

A thrilling first season conclusion shows us what Cassian was actually constructing during his hard time on Narkina 5

Quasars Produce Giant Jets That Focus Like Lasers. Why They Focus is Still a Mystery, but it’s not Coming From the Galaxy Itself

New technologies bring new astronomical insights, which is especially satisfying when they help answer debates that have been ongoing for decades. One of those debates is why exactly the plasma emitted from pulsars “collimates” or is brought together in a narrow beam. While it doesn’t provide a definitive answer to that question, a new paper from an international group of scientists points to a potential solution, but it will require even more advanced technologies.

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China completes world's largest solar telescope array with a whopping 313 dishes

China has completed the construction of the Daocheng Solar Radio Telescope (DSRT), the world's largest array of telescopes dedicated to studying the sun and how its behavior affects Earth.

China tests reusable rocket engine for the 1st time (video)

China has made a breakthrough in its quest to develop reusable launch vehicles like SpaceX’s Falcon 9.

Galactic cannibal Andromeda feasts on smaller galaxies, cosmic leftovers reveal

Andromeda, the Milky Way's neighboring spiral galaxy, may be a cosmic cannibal that has been growing by chowing down on smaller galaxies.

Four Stars, Many Eclipses

Stars are most often born as multiples. Now, the TESS telescope has caught one of these multiple systems in a unique setup.

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Dozens of earthquakes swarm Hawaii as the world's largest volcano erupts

The eruption is so far not threatening downhill communities or affecting flights

Baby Gas Giants Cast Shadows on Their Siblings

A team of astronomers has caught glimpses of gas giants forming around a very young star.

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China launches 3 astronauts to Tiangong space station for 1st crew handover

A Long March 2F rocket launched the three-person Shenzhou 15 mission toward the Tiangong space station today (Nov. 29) at 10:08 a.m. EST (1508 GMT).

Breathtaking image of galaxy cluster made by merging X-ray and radio data

A structure in the heart of the Perseus galaxy cluster can now be seen as an otherworldly display of reds and blues thanks to a new technique that involves merging X-ray and radio data.

China sends new trio of mysterious spy satellites into orbit

China's latest launch on Sunday (Nov. 27) put three new secretive Yaogan spy satellites into orbit as questions arise about their purpose.

The Technique for Detecting Meteors Could be Used to Find Dark Matter Particles Entering the Atmosphere

Researchers from Ohio State University have come up with a novel method to detect dark matter, based on existing meteor-detecting technology. By using ground-based radar to search for ionization trails, similar to those produced by meteors as they streak through the air, they hope to use the Earth’s atmosphere as a super-sized particle detector. The results of experiments using this technique would help researchers to narrow down the range of possible characteristics of dark matter particles.

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Artemis 1's Orion spacecraft hits halfway point of epic moon mission

NASA's Orion spacecraft hit the halfway point of its historic Artemis 1 moon mission in fine form.

Building on the moon: NASA awards Texas company $57 million for lunar construction system

NASA just awarded the Texas-based company ICON $57.2 million for its Project Olympus, which is working to develop technology that will allow humanity to build outposts on the moon and Mars.

Watch China launch Shenzhou 15 astronauts to Tiangong space station Tuesday

China is poised to launch three astronauts to its Tiangong space station on Tuesday morning (Nov. 29), and you can watch the action live.

Watch SpaceX launch Japanese moon lander, UAE rover early Wednesday

A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket will launch a Japanese lander and UAE rover to the moon early Wednesday (Nov. 30), and you can watch the action live.

Live coverage: China set to launch Shenzhou 15 crew mission

Live coverage of China’s Shenzhou 15 mission, a planned six-month expedition to the Chinese space station. Text updates will appear automatically below. Follow us on Twitter.

Replay of pre-launch press conference

Glacier calving and a whole lot of mixing

It’s no surprise that when a massive lump of ice drops off the edge of a glacier into the sea, the surface waters of the ocean get pretty churned up. However, in addition to causing tsunamis at the surface of the ocean, recent research has led to the discovery that glacier calving can excite vigorous internal tsunami waves – a process that has been neglected in driving ocean mixing in computer models.

The Second-Closest Supermassive Black Hole Might be in a Nearby Dwarf Galaxy

There’s a little galaxy in the Milky Way’s cosmic neighborhood called Leo 1. It’s a dwarf spheroidal that lies less than a million light-years away from us. Surprisingly, it has a supermassive black hole about the same mass as Sagittarius A* in our galaxy. That’s unusual in several ways, and astronomers want to know more about it.

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