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NASA has a life-detecting instrument ready to fly to Europa or Enceladus

OWLS, the Ocean Worlds Life Surveyor, would autonomously search for life on the icy moons of the outer solar system.

NASA sets October 2023 launch date for Psyche asteroid mission

Artist’s concept of the Psyche spacecraft, which will conduct a direct exploration of an asteroid thought to be a stripped planetary core. Credit: SSL/ASU/P. Rubin/NASA/JPL-Caltech

NASA says the Psyche mission, a robotic asteroid explorer that missed a launch opportunity this year due to software testing problems, has been rescheduled for liftoff from Florida in October 2023 on a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket.

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Launch of JPSS-2 weather satellite delayed to Nov. 9

JPSS-2 and the LOFTID technology demonstration will now launch no earlier than Nov. 9, because a battery on the upper stage of their Atlas V rocket ride needs to be replaced.

NASA seeks origin of 'weird' fast-spinning dwarf planet Haumea

The dwarf planet Haumea may be the weirdest object in the solar system. Now NASA researchers may finally understand how it was formed.

Halloween Crack for Halloween

Image: Halloween Crack for Halloween

Mars Express Got so Close to Phobos That it Needed to be Reprogrammed to Keep the Moon in Focus

Let’s talk about Phobos. We know it’s a moon of Mars and it orbits the planet once every 7.4 hours. It has a huge impact crater called Stickney. It measures about 9 km across. That’s pretty big, considering Phobos itself is 28 km across on its longest side. But, beyond that, Phobos presents something of a mystery.

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Too Many Supernovae Can Slow Star Formation in a Galaxy

Interstellar winds are powerful agents of change. For one thing, they can interrupt or shut down the process of star birth completely. That’s what a team of astronomers using the Karl Jansky Very Large Array in New Mexico found when they studied the galaxy M33. They also learned that speedy cosmic rays play a huge role in pushing those winds across interstellar space.

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Would Mark Watney Have Survived in Real Life, and What This Can Teach Us About Sending Humans to Mars

We want to send humans to Mars eventually, and while this will be both a historic and exciting journey, it could also be tragic and terrible, and we must also address the potential pitfalls and risks of such an adventure. The intent behind this is to allow fans of space exploration to consider the full picture of such an endeavor. The good, the bad, and the ugly.

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Will Enceladus finally answer, ‘Are we alone?’

We recently examined how and why the planet Mars could answer the longstanding question: Are we alone? There is evidence to suggest that it was once a much warmer and wetter world thanks to countless spacecraft, landers, and rovers having explored—and currently exploring—its atmosphere, surface, and interior. Here, we will examine another one of Saturn’s 83 moons, an icy world that spews geysers of water ice from giant fissures near its south pole, which is strong evidence for an interior ocean, and possibly life. Here, we will examine Enceladus.

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Dracarys! This spiral galaxy in the constellation Draco is helping astronomers measure the universe

Unlike House of the Dragon, the bright heat from this celestial monster is nothing to be feared. In fact, it's a super helpful tool that helps gauge the expansion of the universe.

A skyscraper-sized 'potentially hazardous' asteroid will zip through Earth's orbit on Halloween

A newly discovered, "potentially hazardous" asteroid almost the size of the world's tallest skyscraper is set to tumble past Earth just in time for Halloween, according to NASA.

Best Minecraft space mods and builds: explore the cosmos, one block at a time

Explore blocky galaxies, planets and spaceships with these Minecraft space mods and builds.

'Star Trek: Defiant' comic sees Worf and Spock form a dream team crew

IDW Publishing is releasing new comic book series "Star Trek: Defiant" in March of 2023.

Atoms: What are they and how do they build the elements?

Atoms are the basis of all the elements in the universe, the building blocks of all visible matter, and the secret to nuclear power.

Curious Kids: What is exotic matter, and could we use it to make wormholes?

Curious Kids: what is exotic matter, and could we use it to make wormholes? – Julia, aged 14, London

InSight Felt the Ground Shake From a Meteorite Impact on Mars

The Mars InSight lander might be nearing the end of its life on the Red Planet, but its scientific data are still shaking up the planetary science community. That’s because it detected another Marsquake on December 24, 2021. It was a major shaker and generated surface waves that rippled across the crust of the planet. The data from that quake allowed science team members to get a better idea of the Martian crust’s structure.

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Another Reason Red Dwarfs Might Be Bad for Life: No Asteroid Belts

In a recent study accepted to The Astrophysical Journal Letters, a team of researchers at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) investigated the potential for life on exoplanets orbiting M-dwarf stars, also known as red dwarfs, which are both smaller and cooler than our own Sun and is currently open for debate for their potential for life on their orbiting planetary bodies. The study examines how a lack of an asteroid belt might indicate a less likelihood for life on terrestrial worlds.

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Another Version of the Pillars of Creation from Webb

The hits just keep on streaming back to Earth from James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). This time, arriving to help celebrate Hallowe’en, data from the MIRI mid-infrared instrument onboard JWST shows another view of the Pillars of Creation. Thousands of stars are embedded in those pillars, but many are “invisible” to MIRI.

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Not Just Gold. Colliding Neutron Stars Forge Strontium, Lanthanum, and Cerium

In the beginning, there was hydrogen and helium. Other than some traces of things such as lithium, that’s all the matter the big bang produced. Everything other than those two elements was largely produced by astrophysical rather than cosmological processes. The elements we see around us, those that comprise us, were mostly formed within the hearts of stars. They were created in the furnace of stellar cores, then cast into space when the star died. But there are a few elements that are created differently. The most common one is gold.

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Monster Black Hole Found Near Earth, Starlink Hacked, Early Life Killed Mars

There’s a monster black hole in our backyard (astronomically speaking). Life could survive underground on Mars for hundreds of millions of years. Starlink was hacked and now works as GPS. Bad news for Arecibo.

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Hubble telescope peeks through 'cosmic keyhole' in stunning photo

Hubble has just grabbed a brilliant new photo of a cosmic 'keyhole' in a stellar nursery