Space News & Blog Articles

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'Space Adventure' exhibition to bring 300 Apollo-era artifacts to Miami

Hundreds of artifacts from NASA's Apollo lunar landings are set to touch down in Miami as part of "Space Adventure: The Arrival of Man on the Moon," an immersive experience.

'Mini' monster black hole discovered hiding in a dwarf galaxy

A newly discovered "mini" supermassive black hole could help reveal some of the secrets behind the biggest black holes in the cosmos.

Elon Musk unveils launch and catch tower for Starship Mars rocket (video)

SpaceX founder and CEO Elon Musk just gave us a great look at the "launch and catch tower" for the company's massive Starship Mars rocket.

Rings in the Early Solar System Kept our Planet From Becoming a Super-Earth

To date, a total of 4,884 extrasolar planets have been confirmed in 3,659 systems, with another 8,414 additional candidates awaiting confirmation. In the course of studying these new worlds, astronomers have noted something very interesting about the “rocky” planets. Since Earth is rocky and the only known planet where life can exist, astronomers are naturally curious about this particular type of planet. Interestingly, most of the rocky planets discovered so far have been many times the size and mass of Earth.

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'The Book of Boba Fett' episode 2 kicks the live-action show up a gear and then some

The Book of Boba Fett episode 2, entitled "The Tribes of Tatooine," will blow your socks off. Here's what we thought.

Hunting galaxies far far away: Here's how anyone can explore the universe

Aladin Lite is one of the greatest online tools available to look at our universe through the eyes of many different telescopes.

Save 30% on 'Clue: Star Wars' edition on Amazon

Amazon is offering 30% off the "Clue: Star Wars" edition, which is a pretty good deal.

Weird 'hot Jupiter' exoplanet is shaped like a football

Planet WASP-103b got its unusual shape by orbiting very close to its parent star.

Nearby Supernovae Were Essential to Life on Earth

It’s almost impossible to comprehend a supernova explosion’s violent, destructive power. An exploding supernova can outshine its host galaxy for a few weeks or even months. That seems almost impossible when considering that a galaxy can contain hundreds of billions of stars. Any planet too close to a supernova would be completely sterilized by all the energy released, its atmosphere would be stripped away, and it may even be shredded into pieces.

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The sun used to have rings like Saturn

Before Earth and the other planets in our solar system existed, the sun may have been surrounded by giant rings of dust similar to Saturn's, according to a new study.

A 'rogue asteroid field' almost delays the Valoria 3 analog Mars mission — Commander's Report: sol 2

Commander Musilova had to navigate through a 'rogue asteroid field' — aka a wildfire in Hawaii — to get her crew safely to the HI-SEAS analog space station for the start of their Martian simulation.

NASA's newly launched X-ray space telescope is ready to start observing the cosmos

NASA's Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) is set to begin spying on some of the universe's most dramatic objects — black holes and neutron stars.

Powerful European Earth-observation satellite suffers anomaly in orbit

The Sentinel-1B radar satellite, part of the European Union's Copernicus Earth observation program, hasn't beamed home any data since suffering an anomaly on Dec. 23.

Dwarf Galaxies Shed Light on Black Hole Origins

Astronomers are searching nearby dwarf galaxies for the ancient origins of supermassive black holes.

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Supermassive black hole gobbled up a star in the 1980s, and high schoolers helped discover it

Astronomers have found evidence of a black hole snacking on a star in data gathered back in the 1980s, according to new research.

Perseverance Mars rover collects 6th Red Planet rock sample but chokes on some pebbles

Perseverance drilled and collected its sixth Red Planet rock sample on Dec. 29, but the car-sized rover has not yet been able to seal up the titanium tube containing the material.

China's $1 trillion 'artificial sun' fusion reactor just got five times hotter than the sun

China's "artificial sun" has set a new world record after reaching temperatures five times hotter than the sun.

Drone discount: Save $52 on the Holy Stone HS720 on Amazon

Get a great saving on a high quality drone when you get it from Amazon with this Holy Stone HS720 deal.

Moon 'mystery hut' is just a rabbit-shaped rock, Chinese rover finds

China's Yutu 2 rover has reached the so-called "mystery hut" on the far side of the moon that attracted widespread attention last month — but don't get too excited.

Satellites reveal record high methane concentrations despite reduction pledges

Concentrations of greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere continued to rise in 2021 in spite of climate pledges and the economic slowdown brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, satellite data reveal.

The Incredible ASIM: Distant galaxy edition

The Atmosphere–Space Interactions Monitor, or ASIM for short, is a first-of-its-kind complement of instruments on the International Space Station. Dubbed the ‘space storm hunter’, ASIM measures electric events in Earth’s upper atmosphere with cameras, photometers and X- and gamma-ray detectors.