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Success! Webb Sunshield Now Fully Deployed

If you felt a little more tension – and perhaps more goosebumps — in the Universe today, it’s probably because the James Webb Space Telescope’s sunshield is now completely and successfully deployed! All five layers of the sunshield have been fully extended and “tensioned” into the final taut, kite-shaped configuration. This is a huge accomplishment (and huge relief) for the entire international Webb mission

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Happy perihelion! Earth reaches its closest point to the sun of 2022

The sun is just a little bit closer in Earth's sky right now.

Live coverage: Final tensioning of Webb telescope’s sunshield underway

Live coverage of the mission of the James Webb Space Telescope. Text updates will appear automatically below; there is no need to reload the page. Follow us on Twitter.


'Cosmic monster' star spits energy with the force of a billion suns

Scientists just collected the first measurements of violent eruptions in extremely dense magnetic stars called magnetars.

Some black holes are anything but black – and we've found more than 75,000 of the brightest ones

New research has road-tested a way to spot some of the most voracious black holes of all, making it easier to find them buried deep in the hearts of distant galaxies.

Watch 'coronal streamers' streak off the sun in close-up video from Parker Solar Probe

A new video of solar streamers evokes the streaking stars seen during spacecraft hyperdrives in "Star Wars."

NASA resumes Webb deployments after pausing for weekend

The James Webb Space Telescope’s five-layer sunshield, seen here during ground testing at Northrop Grumman’s factory in Redondo Beach, California. Credit: NASA/Chris Gunn

Mission controllers started the delicate work of tightening the five razor-thin layers of the James Webb Space Telescope’s sunshade Monday. Managers said the nearly $10 billion observatory is “hunky-dory” after pausing deployments over the weekend to adjust the observatory’s power levels and ensure motors needed for the tensioning are in tip-top shape.

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Things are getting tense for NASA's James Webb Space Telescope, literally

On Monday (Jan. 3), James Webb Space Telescope controllers began tightening the tension on its massive sunshield.

Comet Leonard makes its closest approach to the sun today, one year after its discovery

Comet Leonard shines brightly in images captured by a small Chinese satellite on the backdrop of aurora and passing meteors.

Assimilate this shiny new Borg Queen Replica Skull from 'Star Trek: First Contact'

Factory Entertainment honors Alice Krige's Borg Queen with a new $1,499 replica skull.

China's Mars orbiter snaps amazing selfies above Red Planet

China's Tianwen 1 spacecraft at Mars has snapped with stunning images with a small camera that captured images of the orbiter above Mars.

We may finally be able to test one of Stephen Hawking's most far-out ideas

The recently launched James Webb Telescope should help determine if dark matter is made up of primordial black holes.

Toxic gas released by ancient microbes may have worsened Earth's largest mass extinction

Microbes released a toxic gas called hydrogen sulfide that subsequently prolonged the Permian extinction event 250 million years ago, according to a new study.

Tour Mars' Jezero Crater with this gorgeous Perseverance rover mosaic (video)

A detailed new image provides a great look at the Perseverance Mars rover's Red Planet home and shows why the mission team is so excited to explore it.

SpaceX’s first launch of 2022 will deploy more Starlink internet satellites

File photo of a stack of Starlink satellites before a previous mission.. Credit: SpaceX

SpaceX plans to kick off its 2022 launch schedule with a Falcon 9 rocket flight Thursday from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center with the company’s next group of Starlink internet satellites.

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NASA delays tightening James Webb Space Telescope sunshield to study power system

NASA personnel are spending the day studying the power subsystem of the massive James Webb Space Telescope to ensure the spacecraft is ready to execute a key procedure.

Titan Comics' new 'Cowboy Bebop' miniseries sends Spike and the gang after a lucky vest

Titan Comics is launching a bold new "Cowboy Bebop" comic book series beginning in January 2022.

'Star Trek: Klingons' will reveal the legend of Kahless in new IDW comic

IDW Publishing is releasing a new "Star Trek: Klingons" comic chronicling the life of Kahless The Unforgettable.

Why can't we put a space station on the moon?

A space station on the moon could be very useful to provide future space missions with a stopping point between Earth and deeper space. Why haven't we built one yet?

The Quadrantid meteor shower of 2022 peaks today!

Of the ten biggest annual meteor showers, just two could produce over 100 per hour: the December Geminids and the January Quadrantids, due to peak this Monday (Jan. 3).