Once known as “Lagrange,” ESA’s upcoming space weather mission needed a new name that would reflect its vital role: helping to protect Earth’s infrastructure, satellites, inhabitants and space explorers from unpredictable but violent solar events like solar flares and ‘coronal mass ejections’.
Space News & Blog Articles
'The Book of Boba Fett' Chapter 6 is full or surprises, for better or for worse
The obsession for nostalgia continues unabated.
Solar geomagnetic storms could threaten more satellites after Elon Musk's Starlink
SpaceX will lose 40 Starlink satellites to a geomagnetic storm as solar activity ramps up. But does this spell disaster for the future of satellites in space?
Emperor Zurg makes his evil appearance in new trailer for 'Lightyear,' the Buzz Lightyear origin story
Disney/Pixar releases new full trailer and poster for their Buzz Lightyear backstory, “Lightyear”
Meteorite Evidence Suggests Earth’s Water Was Here Before Earth Was
Where did Earth’s water come from? One of the oldest meteorites on Earth is adding new pieces to an old puzzle.
Asteroids are Dangerous, but They Might Also be the Key to Life on Earth
Trying to piece together the appearance of life on Earth is a little like looking through a kaleidoscope. There are competing theories for where Earth’s water came from, and there’s incomplete evidence for how the Moon formed and what role it played in life’s emergence. There are a thousand other questions, each with competing answers. Sometimes, contradictory research is published within days of each other.
Storm-battered SpaceX Starlink satellite's fiery death captured on video
A dramatic video serves as a memorial to a star-crossed Starlink satellite that lived fast and died very young.
Mt. Everest's highest glacier lost 2,000 years worth of ice since the 1990s
The highest glacier on Mount Everest is losing ice at an alarming rate, new research finds.
Last-minute Star Wars Valentine's day gifts and deals
Show the "Star Wars" lovers in your life how much you adore them with these Valentine’s Day gifts for everyone on your list.
'Zombie' star caught snacking on dead planet's remains
Distant X-rays may be the most direct evidence yet of the remains of a disintegrated planet colliding with the corpse of a star, a new study finds.
What happened at the Arecibo Observatory? New inquiry launched into iconic telescope's collapse.
It's been more than a year since scientists lost one of the most iconic telescopes ever built — and yet the collapse remains something of a mystery.
What is the temperature of Uranus?
The temperature of Uranus averages minus 320 degrees Fahrenheit. Uranus holds the record for the coldest temperature ever measured in the solar system.
Astronomy Jargon 101: Event Horizon
An event horizon is the ultimate wall. It’s a boundary that separates one region of the universe from another. This separation is so complete that with event horizons it becomes utterly impossible for events on one side of the boundary to ever interact with or influence anything on the other side.
NASA asteroid detector 'looks up' to scan entire sky every 24 hours
The addition of two southern hemisphere telescopes will enable ATLAS to do full sky scans.
SpaceX is stacking its giant Starship ahead of Elon Musk's big update this week
SpaceX founder and CEO Elon Musk will have a nice visual aid to point to during his highly anticipated presentation on Thursday (Feb. 10).
Jupiter's auroras arise from a magnetic 'tug-of-war' with volcanic eruptions on its moon Io
Jupiter's auroras are caused by a cosmic game of "tug-of-war," fueled by volcanoes on the planet's innermost moon, Io.
UAE's Hope spacecraft marks 1 year in orbit around Mars
It's been a full year since the United Arab Emirates made history when its first-ever interplanetary mission slipped into orbit around Mars.
Comet Hale-Bopp: Facts about the bright and tragic comet
Hale-Bopp was an unusually bright comet that flew close to Earth in 1977. Tragically, Hale-Bopp also influenced the Heaven's Gate cult's mass suicide.
ESA hosts new office to coordinate global climate modelling push
Climate models are an important tool for scientists to understand our past climate and provide projections of future change. As such, they are in increasing demand as part of efforts to avert global warming and reduce risks associated with environmental change. To meet this demand, the World Climate Research Programme will open a new international office in the United Kingdom on 1 March 2022 that will coordinate the programme’s Climate Model Intercomparison Project.
SpaceX says a geomagnetic storm just doomed 40 Starlink internet satellites
SpaceX is losing 40 new Starlink internet satellites due to a geomagnetic storm.
We Finally Understand how Black Holes can Release Powerful Flares
While black holes might always be black, they do occasionally emit some intense bursts of light from just outside their event horizon. Previously, what exactly caused these flares had been a mystery to science. That mystery was solved recently by a team of researchers that used a series of supercomputers to model the details of black holes’ magnetic fields in far more detail than any previous effort. The simulations point to the breaking and remaking of super-strong magnetic fields as the source of the super-bright flares.