Space News & Blog Articles

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Inspiration4's call signs: The crew of SpaceX's all-civilian mission have special nicknames

Each member of the four-person crew has a unique call sign, a type of nickname that astronauts and military pilots are given during their training.

Best PSVR space games

Strap in and get ready to launch yourself into the best PSVR space games around. You’re sure to have a blast!

Jupiter just got smacked by a space rock and an amateur astronomer caught it on camera

Brazilian observer José Luis Pereira captured a bright flash on the solar system's largest planet Monday night (Sept. 13), memorializing the fiery death of a space rock high in the Jovian atmosphere.

SpaceX's all-civilian Inspiration4 mission launches today. Here's what to expect.

SpaceX will launch its first all-civilian crew on a three-day journey around the Earth and you can watch the action live online.

Private astronauts are not 'space tourists' (op-ed)

The Inspiration4 mission will launch an all-civilian crew of culturally and socially blended people on a mission funded by a billionaire. None of them will be tourists.

From Etsy to Earth orbit: Inspiration4 crew packs mementos for space (and sale)

Hayley Arceneaux is about to be the first person with a prosthetic body part to enter space. She'll be the youngest American to orbit Earth. And she may be the first to shop on Etsy for space gear.

First deep drilling success for ExoMars

ESA’s Rosalind Franklin twin rover on Earth has drilled down and extracted samples 1.7 metres into the ground – much deeper than any other martian rover has ever attempted.

Astra knows what caused its rocket launch failure in August and will try again soon

A Soyuz rocket takes off Tuesday from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan with 34 OneWeb satellites. Credit: Roscosmos

A day after SpaceX launched 51 Starlink broadband satellites from California, a Russian Soyuz rocket fired into orbit Tuesday from a spaceport halfway around the world, shepherding 34 more satellites for the commercial internet network being constructed by rival OneWeb.

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'Star Trek: Discovery' Season 4, Episode 6 keeps the tempo up

Organized and funded by entrepreneur Jared Isaacman, the Inspiration4 mission touts itself as "the first all-civilian mission to orbit" and represents a new type of space tourism.

Why is James Webb Traveling to the Launch Site by Boat and not an Airplane?

The James Webb Space Telescope has faced a lot of questions during its arduous journey to completion. Some of the questions have been posed by concerned legislators, mindful of the limitations of the public purse as the telescope’s cost ballooned.

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For the first time, NASA is a spectator for a U.S. crew mission to low Earth orbit

Jared Isaacman, commander of the Inspiration4 mission, trains in a Crew Dragon simulator at SpaceX headquarters in Hawthorne, California. Credit: SpaceX

SpaceX’s launch of the all-private Inspiration4 crew mission, scheduled as soon as Wednesday night, is an all-commercial affair that leaves NASA largely on the sidelines. And that’s just fine with NASA Administrator Bill Nelson.

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Cosmic Dawn Holds the Answers to Many of Astronomy’s Greatest Questions

Thanks to the most advanced telescopes, astronomers today can see what objects looked like 13 billion years ago, roughly 800 million years after the Big Bang. Unfortunately, they are still unable to pierce the veil of the cosmic Dark Ages, a period that lasted from 370,000 to 1 billion years after the Big Bang, where the Universe was shrowded with light-obscuring neutral hydrogen. Because of this, our telescopes cannot see when the first stars and galaxies formed – ca., 100 to 500 million years after the Big Bang.

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NASA astronaut gets extended stay in space for record-breaking 353-day mission

NASA astronaut Mark Vande Hei will stay in space until March, giving him a record-setting spaceflight.

Neptune reaches opposition today: How to see the distant planet

The solar system's outermost planet, Neptune, reaches opposition today, and here's how you can catch a glimpse of the distant gas giant.

Here’s What it Would Be Like to Fly Low Over Jupiter’s Cloudtops

During Juno’s extended mission, every orbit is like a new adventure. Each orbit is a little different, and NASA says the natural evolution of Juno’s orbit around the Jupiter provides a wealth of new science opportunities. But for most of us, what we look forward to on every perijove – the point in each orbit where the Juno spacecraft comes closest to the gas giant – are the incredible images taken by the camera on board, JunoCam. As Juno’s “eyes,” the camera provides a unique vantage point no other spacecraft has been able to give us.

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Netflix to livestream SpaceX's Inspiration4 all-civilian launch with celebrity-packed countdown event

Are you counting down to SpaceX's Inspiration4 launch? Join celebrity guests and the mission's four soon-to-be astronauts for a livestream, hosted by Netflix.

We Knew Black Holes Have a Temperature. It Turns out They Also Have a Pressure

In the classical theory of general relativity, black holes are relatively simple objects. They can be described by just three properties: mass, charge, and rotation. But we know that general relativity is an incomplete theory. Quantum mechanics is most apparent in the behavior of tiny objects, but it also plays a role in large objects such as black holes. To describe black holes at a quantum level, we need a theory of quantum gravity. We don’t have a complete theory yet, but what know so far is that quantum mechanics makes black holes more complex, giving them properties such as temperature and perhaps even pressure.

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Astronauts ring in New Year aboard space station to welcome 2022

An amateur astronomer has discovered a possible new impact flash in Jupiter's equatorial region. Observers may yet see the dark impact scar.

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What is string theory?

Satellites captured strengthening Tropical Storm Nicholas as it neared the coast of Texas before pouring down over ten inches of rain in only a few hours.

NASA's InSight Mars lander awakens from 'safe mode' after Red Planet dust storm

The European Southern Observatory returns intriguing views of enigmatic asteroid 216 Kleopatra.

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Live coverage: Soyuz rocket counting down to launch with OneWeb satellites

Live coverage of the countdown and launch of a Russian Soyuz rocket from the Baikonur Cosmodrome with 34 OneWeb broadband satellites. Text updates will appear automatically below. Follow us on Twitter.

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