Private and military organizations are tracking some of the 170 million pieces of space junk orbiting the planet, but they’re limited to how small an object they can detect. Only chunks larger than a softball can be tracked with radar or optical systems, and that only accounts for less than 1% of the junk out there.
Space News & Blog Articles
Live coverage: SpaceX to send 23 Starlink satellites to orbit on 90th Falcon launch of 2023
File photo a a Falcon 9 prior to a Starlink satellite delivery mission. Image: SpaceX.
SpaceX is preparing to hit another milestone with its late Wednesday night Starlink mission launch. The flight from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station will mark the company’s 90th orbital launch in 2023 and its 280th Falcon 9 launch to date.
Australia votes to name its 1st moon rover 'Roo-ver'
The Australian Space Agency has named its first lunar rover Roo-ver, which will launch to the moon as early as 2026 in partnership with NASA's Artemis program.
Astronomers Calculate Which Exoplanets Are Most Likely to Have Water
Astronomers know of about 60 rocky exoplanets orbiting in the habitable zones of their stars. When they try to determine how habitable these planets might be, detecting water in their atmospheres plays a huge role. But what if there was another way of measuring the water content in these worlds?
James Webb Space Telescope bites cosmic burger to create 1st ice map of planet-forming disk
The James Webb Space Telescope has taken a bite out of a cosmic burger to create a 2D inventory of different forms of ice surrounding a planet-birthing disk.
The Comet-Asteroid Chiron Has Rings — And They're Changing
A series of stellar occultations has provided evidence that the ring system around this strange object is evolving drastically.
Iran launches 'bio-space capsule' protoype, aims to fly astronauts by 2030
Iran test launched what it describes as a "bio-capsule" as part of its plan to put its own astronauts into space by the end of the decade.
OSIRIS-APEX prepares for 1st close solar encounter on way to asteroid Apophis
NASA's revitalized OSIRIS-REx probe has begun tucking in one of its solar panels to protect itself from the sun.
Over 100 galaxies seen spewing powerful winds that can halt star formation
The winds extend tens of thousands of light years above and below galaxies.
A Great Year for the Geminids
It’s December and that means one of the best celestial events will grace the skies. The Geminid meteor shower should peak in a moonless sky between Wednesday and Thursday, December 13–14.
Solid rocket boosters for shuttle Endeavour exhibit capped with nose cones
The work to stand up two rockets for the launchpad-like exhibit of NASA's retired space shuttle Endeavour has been capped, literally and figuratively, with the addition of two nose cones.
Famed Halley’s Comet Passes Aphelion This Weekend
Famous Halley’s Comet reaches a distant milestone this coming weekend.
Could a 'supervoid' solve an unrelenting debate over the universe's expansion rate?
Measurements of how fast the universe is expanding differ depending on how you measure the rate. Could a huge under-density of galaxies, including the Milky Way, be to blame?
Tracking human emissions from space
Video: 00:11:52
The Copernicus Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide Monitoring (CO2M) mission will be the first satellite mission to measure how much carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere through human activity.
Nuclear power on the moon: Rolls-Royce unveils reactor mockup
Tech giant Rolls-Royce unveiled a mockup lunar nuclear reactor at the U.K. Space Conference in Belfast last month.
Three robotic missions target Moon landings over one week in January
Intuitive Machines engineers loading the IM-1 mission Nova-C lunar lander into its custom container in Houston, TX. Image: Intuitive Machines
In a blend of interesting circumstances and happenstance, two private companies and Japan’s space agency are all poised to land on the Moon in the back half of January 2024.
Understanding climate tipping points
As the planet warms, many parts of the Earth system are undergoing large-scale changes. Ice sheets are shrinking, sea levels are rising and coral reefs are dying off.
All-in-one YPSat, Ariane 6 bound
Image: All-in-one YPSat, Ariane 6 bound
Gravitational waves rippling from black hole merger could help test general relativity
Gravitational waves have been uncovered from a massive black hole merger that shows the resultant black hole settling into a spherical shape for the first time, helping test Einstein’s theory of general relativity.
Another Fast Radio Burst is Coming from a Hypernebula. Also, Hypernebulae are a Thing
If nothing else catches your attention in the title then surely ‘hypernebula’ does! There are some amazing processes scattered around the cosmos, of particular interest are the fast radio bursts (FRB). These brief flashes of radiation happen without warning…until now. A team in the Netherlands have identified a second FRB as coming from within a hyper nebula – a dense and highly magnetised cloud of plasma that is illuminated by a powerful but unknown source!
Watch the explosive new trailer for astronaut action film 'ISS' (video)
A preview and new trailer for the new action thriller "I.S.S." that imagines what happens aboard the International Space Station when war breaks out on Earth below.