The European Space Agency’s latest third generation Meteosat-I 1 weather satellite shows its stuff, with more to come.
Space News & Blog Articles
Juice deployments complete: final form for Jupiter
Flight controllers at ESA’s mission control centre in Germany have been busy this week, working with instrument teams on the final deployments to prepare ESA’s Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (Juice) for exploring Jupiter.
James Webb Space Telescope teams up with NASA X-ray observatory for a stunning look at the universe (photos)
Stunning new NASA images depict our universe in all its visible, and invisible, glory thanks to the combined powers of the James Webb Space Telescope and the Chandra X-Ray Observatory.
AI is helping astronomers make new discoveries about the universe faster than ever before
AI has now spread into every field of astronomy and is helping astronomers learn more about the universe at an astonishing rate.
How to see the new supernova in the Pinwheel Galaxy
A star in the Pinwheel Galaxy has exploded into a new supernova that was confirmed just last week. Here's how to see it for yourself in the night sky.
South Korea's homegrown Nuri rocket launches 8 satellites on 3rd-ever mission (photo)
South Korea's Nuri rocket launched on its third-ever mission on Thursday (May 25), successfully delivering eight small satellites to orbit.
The brightest supernova in years could help astronomers forecast future star explosions
The close proximity of supernova 2023ifx and the amount of observations gathered since its discovery may lead to major advances in stellar death forecasting.
This Week's Sky at a Glance, May 26 – June 4
Venus starts the week under Pollux and Castor, then it lines up with them. Nearby, Mars steps on the Beehive. Way up toward in the south, the Bootes kite flies high.
Earth from Space: São Paulo, Brazil
Image: This radar image from Copernicus Sentinel-1 shows the city of São Paulo and part of the homonymous state in southeast Brazil.
Chandra and JWST Join Forces in a Stunning Series of Images
New images that combine data from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) JWST have just been released! The images feature four iconic astronomical objects, showcasing the capabilities of these observatories by combining light in the visible, infrared, and X-ray wavelengths. These include the NGC 346 star cluster located in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), the NGC 1672 spiral galaxy, the Eagle Nebula (Messier 16, or M16), and the spiral galaxy Messier 74 (aka. the Phantom Galaxy).
Researchers Are Building a Simulated Moon/Mars Research Station Deep Underground
In the early days of spaceflight, just getting a satellite into Earth’s orbit was an accomplishment. In our era, landing rovers on other planets and bringing samples home from asteroids is the cutting edge. But the next frontier is rapidly approaching, when astronauts will stay for long periods of time on the Moon and hopefully Mars.
Stars and Stellar Evolution
Stars and stellar evolution are fascinating topics within the field of astronomy. Here's an overview of the key concepts covered in the study of stars and their life cycles:
Want to be an asteroid miner? There’s a database for that.
Asteroid mining is slowly but surely coming closer to reality. Many start-ups and governmental agencies alike are getting in on the action. But plenty of tools that would help get this burgeoning industry off the ground are still unavailable. One that would be particularly useful is a list of potential candidate asteroids to visit. While the information has been available in various places, no one has yet combined it into a single, searchable database until now.
Virgin Galactic’s Space Plane Rises Again for Final Flight Test
After a two-year hiatus, Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo VSS Unity resumed flying crew members beyond a 50-mile-high space milestone, marking the end of a years-long flight test program and setting the stage for the start of commercial service as soon as next month.
Milky Way's cosmic neighbors help bring ancient galaxies into focus
Astronomers are snooping on the Milky Way's galactic neighbors to gain insights about the ancient galaxies being viewed by the James Webb Space Telescope.
Virgin Galactic resumes suborbital spaceflights
Whitson says commercial station visit critical to private-sector space ops
Today is Towel Day! Salute the legacy of 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' author Douglas Adams
Towel Day is dedicated to "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" author Douglas Adams
Virgin Galactic aces final test spaceflight, eyes start of commercial service in June
Virgin Galactic aced its fifth test flight to suborbital space this morning (May 25), keeping the company on track to start commercial operations next month.
New supernova thrills astronomers and skywatchers around the world (photos)
A star explosion in deep space is visible in amateur telescopes, although folks have had to battle low lighting conditions, haze and the occasional satellite trail to see it in action.