Space News & Blog Articles

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Don't miss Venus in the late night sky right now before it turns into a 'Morning Star'

Venus will begin staying out later and later in the coming weeks until it leaves the night sky to become a dazzling fixture in the predawn morning through the end of 2023.

Save over $275 on the Anycubic Photon M3 Premium 3D printer

That's a colossal saving on a premium, high-end 3D printer that also comes with five anti-scratch film pieces.

Don't miss the half-lit moon during its third quarter phase today

The moon will be in its third quarter phase on Friday, May 12, with its face half-lit, halfway between its fully illuminated full moon phase and its completely dark new moon phase.

Dark Matter Can Make Dark Atoms

A team of theoretical astrophysicists have studied in detail a hypothetical form of dark matter that combines to form dark atoms. They found that the existence of dark atoms can drastically affect the evolution of galaxies.

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Everything we know about Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

Autobots and Decepticons are making their roaring return to the big screen this summer. Here’s what we know so far about Transformers: Rise of the Beasts.

Watch 2 Russian cosmonauts perform spacewalk today

Two Russian cosmonauts will perform a roughly seven-hour spacewalk outside the International Space Station today (May 12), and you can watch it live.

2 'super-Earth' exoplanets spotted in habitable zone of nearby star

NASA's TESS spacecraft spotted two super-Earth planets as they crossed the face of their star within its 'habitable zone.'

This Week's Sky at a Glance, May 12 – 21

Mars and Venus each line up with a pair of stars this week. And with the Milky Way lying all around the horizon, the Coma Berenices Star Cluster floats overhead.

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Earth from Space: Nishinoshima island, Japan

Image: This Copernicus Sentinel-2 image features the Japanese island of Nishinoshima, in the northwest Pacific Ocean.

Boom! Astronomers just watched the largest explosion in space rage for 3 years

The largest cosmic explosion ever seen by astronomers has been raging for three years and is ten times more powerful than a supernova. It may be driven by a black hole ripping apart a gas cloud.

Voyager 1

Voyager 1 is a space probe launched by NASA on September 5, 1977, as part of the Voyager program. It was designed to study the outer Solar System and beyond. Here are some key details about Voyager 1:

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China Has its Own Secret Space Plane, and it Just Landed

A lot has changed since the last Space Age. Unlike the days of Sputnik, Vostok, Mercury, and Apollo, the current era is not defined by two superpowers constantly vying for dominance and one-upmanship. More than ever, international cooperation is the name of the game, with space agencies coming together to advance common exploration and science goals. Similarly, there is the way the private space sector has become a major participant, providing everything from launch services and commercial payloads to satellite constellations and crews.

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Advanced Life Should Have Already Peaked Billions of Years Ago

Did humanity miss the party? Are SETI, the Drake Equation, and the Fermi Paradox all just artifacts of our ignorance about Advanced Life in the Universe? And if we are wrong, how would we know?

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Curiosity rover finds water-carved 'book' rock on Mars (photo)

A book-shaped rock on Mars was likely carved by ancient water running through the area, scientists on NASA's Curiosity rover mission say.

Perseverance rover spies signs of ancient raging rivers on Mars

NASA's Perseverance rover has found evidence that a deep and fast-moving river once coursed through Mars' Jezero Crater, shaking up current ideas of past Red Planet water flow.

1 million cosmic baby pictures form a vast star atlas for astronomers

The secrets of star formation are slowly coming to light in a huge new star atlas generated by astronomers, based on images of stellar nurseries.

A powerful eruption on the sun could create widespread auroras tonight

A pair of eruptions seen on the sun might lead to a display of auroras for parts of the northern and central United States on May 11.

Strange sounds recorded high in Earth's atmosphere have scientists baffled

A solar-powered balloon mission has detected a strange low-frequency sound from an unidentified source high in the air above Earth.

Some mysterious 'fast radio bursts' may erupt from two-star systems

A new study has determined the most likely origin of one repeating fast radio burst to be a dense object — potentially a neutron star — with a binary companion.

Remains of shredded star open new window on black hole feeding behavior

Astronomers have for the first time spotted streams of stellar material circling a black hole and colliding with themselves, shedding light on how accretion disks take shape.

How fast is the universe expanding? New supernova data could help nail it down

A warp in the fabric of space and time that acted like a giant magnifying glass may help solve a celestial mystery about the rate of the universe's expansion.