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Planet Profile - Jupiter


Planet Profile: Jupiter

Basic Facts:

  • Type: Gas Giant
  • Diameter: 86,881 miles (139,822 km)
  • Mass: 318 times Earth's mass
  • Orbit Period: 11.86 Earth years
  • Day Length: 9 hours 56 minutes (the shortest day of any planet in the Solar System)
  • Distance from the Sun: Approximately 484 million miles (778 million km)


  • Atmosphere: Primarily composed of hydrogen (about 90%) and helium (about 10%), with traces of methane, ammonia, and other gases. Jupiter has a thick atmosphere and a very strong magnetic field.
  • Core: Jupiter's core is thought to be rocky and made up of metals and silicates, surrounded by a deep layer of liquid hydrogen and helium.

Key Features:

  1. Great Red Spot:

    • A massive, persistent anticyclonic storm located in Jupiter’s southern hemisphere. It is roughly 1.3 times the size of Earth and has been raging for at least 350 years.
  2. Jovian Moons:

    • Jupiter has 79 moons (as of the latest counts), including four large ones known as the Galilean moons:
      • Io: Known for its intense volcanic activity.
      • Europa: Has a subsurface ocean, making it a potential site for life.
      • Ganymede: The largest moon in the Solar System, even bigger than Mercury.
      • Callisto: A heavily cratered, ice-covered moon.
  3. Magnetic Field:

    • Jupiter’s magnetic field is the strongest of any planet in the Solar System. It extends millions of kilometers into space, creating intense radiation belts that can affect both spacecraft and potential missions.
  4. Rings:

    • Jupiter has a faint ring system composed of small dust particles. It is not as visually prominent as Saturn’s rings, but they are still present and are mainly made of tiny rock fragments.


  • Temperature: The average temperature at the cloud tops is around -234°F (-145°C). However, temperatures inside the planet rise dramatically due to the immense pressure and heat from its core.
  • Cloud Layers: Jupiter has multiple cloud layers, with distinctive zones and belts that create a banded appearance. These clouds are composed of ammonia ice crystals and other compounds.

Jupiter’s Influence in the Solar System:

  • Gravitational Pull: Jupiter’s massive gravity acts as a shield for the inner planets by attracting or deflecting comets and asteroids. This has likely helped to prevent more frequent impacts on Earth.
  • Space Exploration: Many space missions have studied Jupiter, including NASA's Juno mission, which is currently orbiting the planet to study its atmosphere and magnetic field. The Galileo spacecraft also provided a wealth of data on Jupiter and its moons.

Interesting Facts:

  • Fast Rotation: Jupiter has the fastest rotation of any planet in the Solar System, completing one full rotation in less than 10 hours. This causes the planet to bulge at the equator.
  • Radio Emissions: Jupiter emits powerful radio waves, which are often detected by space probes.
  • Possibility of Life: Europa, one of Jupiter's moons, has been a focus for astrobiologists due to its potential subsurface ocean, which could harbor life.


Jupiter is a colossal and fascinating gas giant, dominating the Solar System with its size, mass, and powerful magnetic field. Its many moons, including those with potential for supporting life, continue to be key targets for exploration. Understanding Jupiter and its characteristics can offer valuable insights into planetary formation and the broader dynamics of the Solar System.

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