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Valve Index review

Valve still dominates the VR headset space with Valve Index, the most open-source and impressive virtual reality kit available.

Best sci-fi movies based on books

From the page to the big screen, these are the best sci-fi movies based on books.

DJI Mini 2 review

The DJI Mini 2 builds on the success of the previous Mavic Mini, providing a much better video shoot quality, while retaining the straight out of the pocket flying capability.

Smithsonian FUTURES exhibit examines space artifacts of the future

A solar sail that tacked into the light, a keyboard used to navigate to the moon and a spacesuit-clad android are among the "artifacts of the future" in the new exhibit FUTURES at the Smithsonian.

NASA's Perseverance rover on Mars just collected its 3rd sample of the Red Planet (photos)

The car-sized Perseverance rover drilled a core sample on Monday (Nov. 15), filling a titanium tube with Red Planet rock for the third time ever.

How the Beaver Moon lunar eclipse of Nov. 19 has shades of 1967

Our upcoming lunar eclipse has a direct connection to an eclipse that occurred in the late 1960s.

Why is sci-fi so obsessed with asteroid impact disasters (and how to stop them)?

For longer than science fiction has even existed, humans have been fascinated with (and terrified by) the prospect of space rocks falling to Earth. But why?

Testing mini-radar to peer inside asteroid

Image: Testing mini-radar to peer inside asteroid

A new Simulation of the Universe Contains 60 Trillion Particles, the Most Ever

Today, the greatest mysteries facing astronomers and cosmologists are the roles gravitational attraction and cosmic expansion play in the evolution of the Universe. To resolve these mysteries, astronomers and cosmologists are taking a two-pronged approach. These consist of directly observing the cosmos to observe these forces at work while attempting to find theoretical resolutions for observed behaviors – such as Dark Matter and Dark Energy.

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Hubble Space Telescope team continues troubleshooting instrument glitch

The Hubble Space Telescope is on the road back from its latest glitch, but it's not close to the finish line yet.

Is there life at Alpha Centauri? New space telescope to seek out habitable planets around sun's neighboring star

A new space mission announced today (Nov. 16) will look for habitable planets in the Alpha Centauri system, our closest stellar neighbors.

Space debris from Russian anti-satellite missile test spotted in telescope images and video

Pieces of a shattered Russian satellite are visible in new telescope images after the country's anti-satellite weapons test on Nov. 15, 2021.

Leonid meteor shower 2021: When, where & how to see it

In mid-November, the fickle Leonid meteor shower hits Earth once again. The annual shower will peak Nov. 16-17.

The Leonid meteor shower peaks tonight! But don't expect to see much.

The Leonids are likely to be a major disappointment in 2021, partly because of the expected lack of any significant activity, but mainly because of the full moon.

Russia defends anti-satellite test amid US criticism

Russia's defense ministry says there is no threat to International Space Station crews or nearby satellites

The Next Generation Very Large Array Would be 263 Radio Telescopes Spread Across North America

The iconic Very Large Array (VLA) in New Mexico has been at the forefront of astrophysical research since its dedication in 1980. The Y-shaped configuration of 27 radio astronomy dishes have made key discoveries about the cosmos, while becoming a part of pop-culture in several high-profile movies.

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New Hubble Image Shows Dark Cocoons Where New Stars are Forming

Star formation is a complex process. But in simple terms, a star forms due to clumps and instabilities in a cloud of molecular hydrogen called a Giant Molecular Cloud (GMC). As more and more gas accumulates and collapses inward, the pressure becomes immense, the gas eventually heats up to millions of degrees, and fusion begins.

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French military intelligence satellites launch on Vega rocket

A Vega rocket takes off Tuesday with the French military’s three CERES reconnaissance satellites. Credit: ESA/CNES/Arianespace/S. Martin

A European Vega rocket fired into space from French Guiana Tuesday and deployed three French military satellites to locate sources of radio and radar transmissions around the world, clearing the way for final modifications on the Vega launch pad for an uprated version of the booster set to debut next year.

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Space debris from Russian anti-satellite test will be a safety threat for years

Debris created by the anti-satellite missile test conducted by Russia yesterday will pose a threat to satellites in orbit as well as crews at the International Space Station for years to come.

Russian Conducts Antisatellite Test; Space Station Crew Takes Cover

A Russian missile struck a defunct satellite early Monday morning, forcing International Space Station crew to shelter in place.

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This was Juno’s View on its 37th Flight Past Jupiter

As originally planned, Juno’s 37th close pass by Jupiter – called Perijove 37 – would have been its last. Per the original mission outline, the Juno spacecraft would have been programed to plunge into Jupiter on Perijove 37 as a mission-ending self-sacrifice. Destroying Juno would protect the Jovian moons from potential contamination from any microbes from Earth that may have attached itself to spacecraft.

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