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This Week's Sky at a Glance, May 13 – 20


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Astronomers Unveil Image of the Milky Way’s Central Black Hole

Using a worldwide array of telescopes, the Event Horizon Telescope team has given us our first look at Sagittarius A*.

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When a White Dwarf Turned into a Thermonuclear Fireball

Astronomers have spotted the X-ray flash that precedes a nova. The brief flare is the first sign of a white dwarf erupting into a nuclear-fusion fireball.

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How to Image an Exoplanet with Just a Few Pixels

Using Earth as an example, astronomers are testing a new technique that could image rocky exoplanets without resolving them.

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S&T Authors Win Science Journalism Awards

Two Sky & Telescope authors have won prestigious awards recognizing excellence in science journalism.

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Sunday Night's Total Lunar Eclipse

North American skywatchers can see the Moon turn a reddish hue as it flirts with Earth’s shadow on the night of May 15–16.

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Witness a Total Lunar Eclipse on Sunday, May 15–16

The full Flower Moon ducks inside Earth's shadow in a total lunar eclipse this month. We help you prepare for all the highlights of the special event.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, May 6 – 14

The Moon aligns with Pollux and Castor – but how precisely for you? Three zero-magnitude stars form a far-flung spring triad. And with Libra and Bootes up, the two oldest things you will ever see await your binoculars or scope.

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A Possible Optical Counterpart to a Fast Radio Burst?

What’s the mechanism behind millisecond-duration bursts of radio energy coming from outer space? A team searched for visible-light counterparts to constrain the origin of fast radio bursts — and found one.

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In Praise of Small-Scope Astronomy

Many an amateur astronomer has desired a bigger telescope, but sometimes it's worth taking a moment to appreciate what we have.

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Wartime Skygazing: An Amateur Astronomer in Ukraine

Plakha Alexander — amateur astronomer, owner of, and Ukrainian — shares his experiences since Russia's invasion began.

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Where Did Earth’s Trojans Go? Ask the Moon

Why doesn't Earth have Trojan asteroids of its own? Large impacts in the early years of the solar system may be to blame.

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May: An Eclipse, Planets & More

Download this month's Sky Tour podcast to find which planets are visible in the morning and evening skies, along expert tips for how to view the total lunar eclipse on May 15–16.

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10 New Merger Events in Gravitational-Wave Data

An independent team has found additional black hole mergers in LIGO data.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, April 29 – May 6

Mercury passes the Pleiades at dusk. Jupiter passes Venus in the dawn as Mars and Saturn watch. And can you name the three brightest stars of these spring nights? Hint: They're all magnitude zero.

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Scientists Wonder: Is the Origin of Life Extraterrestrial?

A new analysis method has revealed DNA building blocks in meteorites, suggesting that these prebiotic molecules might have formed during the solar system's earliest years.

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How to Observe and Measure Naked-eye Sunspots

As Solar Cycle 25 ticks up, naked-eye sunspots are becoming more frequent. They're not only fun to observe, but with this simple method you can determine just how big they are. We also have news on a bright supernova!

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New Target for Asteroid Probe: “Potentially Hazardous” Apophis

Once the primary mission of NASA's OSIRIS-REx is complete, the spacecraft will head toward a new destination: near-Earth asteroid Apophis.

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Cocoons Around Dying Stars Could Explain New Type of Stellar Explosions

A recently discovered type of stellar explosion might fit right in among the spectrum from regular supernovae to massive gamma-ray bursts.

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Happy Birthday, Hubble!

The Hubble Space Telescope turns 32 on April 24th, and the team behind the telescope is marking the occasion with the release of a galactic family picture.

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Celebrate Dark Skies This Week, April 22–30

Are you interested in combating light pollution? International Dark Sky Week, which starts today, offers events in which you can learn how.

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