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This Week's Sky at a Glance, Aug. 26 – Sept. 3

Scorpius lies down after dark and the Moon walks across it. Jupiter shines high in the southeast by midnight just about as big and bright as it can ever get. Saturn reaches a good observing height an hour or two earlier.

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Betelgeuse's Great Dimming: The Aftermath

The Great Dimming occurred when Betelgeuse coughed out a huge chunk of material, and the ejection took a toll on the giant star.

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First Inter-Venusian Asteroid Hints at a New Population

The discovery of an asteroid inside Venus's orbit might be the first of a new population within the inner solar system.

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Observe Vesta . . . and Own a Piece of It, Too

Vesta's bright and easy to find in binoculars and maybe even with the naked eye in late summer skies. It's also just as easy to acquire a piece of it without a multi-billion dollar space mission.

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Did the Dinosaur-killing Asteroid Have a Sidekick?

The asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs 66 million years ago might not have arrived alone.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, August 19 – 27

Late these nights, Saturn and Jupiter are about at their very biggest telescopically. Vega passes the zenith, and the Milky Way displays itself in moonless dark.

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Peering Up Into Prairie Skies

The Nebraska Star Party offers truly dark skies enjoyed by veteran observers and first-timers alike.

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Dusty Disk Discovered in the Twins’ Foot

A careful study of observations spanning decades has revealed that a star in Gemini is regularly eclipsed by a disk-shrouded companion.

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Meet Rasalhague, the Star with the Snake

Rasalhague, a star rotating so fast it has squashed itself, has a fascinating connection to the mythology of healing.

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How Astronomers Are Rendering the Universe in Sound

Presenting data as sound can open new opportunities for accessibility, engagement, and discovery, but the technique still faces challenges.

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Remembering Donald Machholz, 1952 - 2022

Sky & Telescope honors the life of Donald Machholz, one of the premier comet-hunters of his time.

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Sending Astronauts to Venus

Crazy as it might seem, it’s a logical and thrilling prospect.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, August 12 – 20

Saturn is at opposition, the Perseids contend with moonlight, and once the Moon is gone from the evening sky, the summer Milky Way arches high.

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Asteroid Ceres Was Radioactive — and That Could Explain a Lot

Radioactive heating in this asteroid's early days may have destabilized the small world, creating asymmetric surface features.

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Webb Telescope Shatters Distance Records, Challenges Astronomers

Distant galaxies in Webb images suggest we need to rethink star and galaxy evolution in the early universe.

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Caught in a Solar Storm on the Way to Mars

A chance alignment between Earth and a Mars-bound spacecraft has given us a rare glimpse at the motions of high-energy particles from the Sun.

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Perseids Are Coming, Full Moon or Not

Don't use a full Moon pass to skip this year's Perseid meteor shower. Right here, right now, we're going to help you make the most of it.

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Korea's Lunar Orbiter Heads for the Moon

South Korea's lunar orbiter has launched successfully for the Moon, joining a growing number of missions there.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, August 5 – 13

The Moon and Saturn come to opposition this week, showing us their full sunlit faces. Jupiter looms big late in the night, Vega attains the zenith, and we cross the midpoint of summer. The Perseid meteors get partly mooned out.

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Hubble's Future in the Webb Era

Even though it's far past its warranty, Hubble is still proving its worth in this new era that includes the James Webb Space Telescope.

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Summer Insomnia

Long, hot days mean sleepless nights for stargazers, but it's worth it for the magic that happens under a dark, cool sky.

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