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This Week's Sky at a Glance, December 16 – 24

The Pleiades dipper, the House in the Hyades, Mars high but fading, M31 at the zenith, and a celestial string of holiday lights.

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Webb's Galactic Distance Record Is Now Official

Spectroscopic measurements confirm Webb's distance record, with images revealing galaxies that existed just 330 million years after the Big Bang.

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Listen to a Martian Dust Devil

The Perseverance rover on Mars has recorded a dust devil using its microphone, providing unprecedented data about these whirlwinds.

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Catch the Geminid Meteor Shower; Plus, Watch RW Cephei Fade

The luminous Geminid meteor shower returns. We also meet a binocular-bright star that may be experiencing Betelgeuse-like convulsions.

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Nudging a Space Rock

That’s one small change in an asteroid’s orbit, one giant leap for humanity.

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Trio of Spacecraft Launch for the Moon

NASA’s Lunar Flashlight, iSpace’s Hakuto R from Japan, and the United Arab Emirates' Rashid rover are all headed to the Moon after launching aboard a SpaceX rocket.

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Holmdel Horn — Which Heard Evidence of the Big Bang — Is at Risk

Redevelopment plans could threaten the site that houses the Holmdel Horn, the instrument responsible for hearing the "hiss" of background radiation from the Big Bang.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, December 9 – 16

Mars, just past opposition, remains bright as it aligns between Aldebaran and Capella. Jupiter shines highest after dusk. And watch for the Geminid meteors.

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Observing Report: Moon Occults Mars

Sky & Telescope editors report their observations of last night's celestial event: Mars grazing or disappearing behind the Moon.

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Tsunamis Carried Boulders Across Ancient Martian Ocean

Long-ago impacts tossed up the floors of an ancient ocean on the Red Planet and carried debris to the landing site of NASA’s Viking 1 lander.

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Gamma-ray Burst Surprise: Hybrid Merger Made Magnetar

Gamma-ray bursts are generally thought to come in two flavors — supernovae or neutron star mergers. But discoveries are blurring that line.

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Apollo 17 in Pictures: “God Willing, as We Shall Return”

On the 50th anniversary of Apollo 17, we look back at iconic photos as well as rarely seen images from the mission.

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Status Update: Artemis 1's SmallSat Missions

Some of the small missions deployed from Artemis 1 will go on to do great things, while others remain silent.

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Under Uncooperative Skies

An abundance of astro images can make up (a little) for cloudy skies and other things in life that may keep us from observing.

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Webb Telescope Surveys a Hot Saturn

A collection of five research studies delve into the atmosphere of exoplanet WASP-39b as astronomers seek to better understand the chemistry of a world beyond the solar system.

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See Bright Mars Wink Out Behind the Moon

The night of December 7–8 will be an exciting one for fans of the Red Planet. Not only will Mars be at opposition, but the full Moon will blot it out of the sky for many locations on Earth.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, December 2 – 10

Mars is at opposition this week. And on the opposition night of December 7-8, the perfectly full Moon occults Mars. Orion enters stage east ever earlier, the Summer Triangle sinks in the west, and the Big Dipper lies low.

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New Images Track Clouds on Saturn's Largest Moon

Brand-new images from the James Webb Space Telescope and the Keck Observatory in Hawai'i reveal clouds beneath the haze on this enshrouded moon.

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December: Mars in the Spotlight

December's solstice means that for many skywatchers the night will be up to 14 hours long — providing lots of time to enjoy the starry sky. This month’s celestial highlights are the close approach of the Moon and Mars (and, for many, a coverup) on December 7th and the Gemind meteor shower on the December 13th. Our fun and factual Sky Tour podcast provides all the details.

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Mars Mesmerizes at December 8th Opposition

It may not be the closest opposition, but this time around Mars arcs high across the sky where good seeing promises sharp views. That's not all. On December 7th, one night before opposition, the full Moon occults the Red Planet!

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Four Stars, Many Eclipses

Stars are most often born as multiples. Now, the TESS telescope has caught one of these multiple systems in a unique setup.

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