Space News & Blog Articles

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Are We Finally on the Cusp of Commercial Asteroid Mining?

Years after initial space-mining ventures went bust, startup AstroForge has announced two missions in 2023 to obtain rare-earth minerals from a near-Earth asteroid.

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Generations of Stars Shape Their Galaxies, Webb Images Reveal

James Webb Space Telescope images reveal an intricate network in nearby galaxies, influenced by generations of star formation.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, February 24 – March 5

Venus and Jupiter, the two brightest celestial objects after the Sun and the Moon, shine together in the western twilight before, during, and after their March 1st conjunction.

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Fortune Favors the Prepared Astrophotographer

An unexpected total lunar eclipse surprises an amateur astrophotographer.

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Have Scientists Found a Rogue Supermassive Black Hole?

An unusual stellar streak emerging from a distant galaxy might be a sign of a runaway supermassive black hole, scientists suggest.

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“The Sparkler” Might be Our Milky Way’s Long-Lost Twin

Astronomers are using compact groups of stars to probe the history of a galaxy in the adolescent universe dubbed "The Sparkler."

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Italian Amateur Astronomer Discovers Dwarf Galaxies

Three dwarf galaxies around the Sculptor Galaxy have come to light thanks to the work of an amateur astronomer.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, February 17 – 26

Venus and Jupiter put on a dramatic show in twilight, as they creep toward each other for a March 1st conjunction. The crescent Moon passes though, almost kissing Jupiter on Wednesday the 22nd.

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Small Asteroid Spotted Hours Before Demise

The swift detection of a small asteroid, and recovery of its surviving fragments, shows we’re getting better at spotting incoming objects.

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ET on Earth? 

The search for extraterrestrial intelligence should not exclude our own planet.

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Catch Birth Flickers of Budding Suns in Orion

Three flickering stars in Orion offer insight into what life looks like before the main sequence.

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How Citizen Scientists Are Monitoring the DART Impact

Observers around the globe are keeping an eye on the asteroid Didymos and its moon Dimorphos to track the long-term effects of the DART mission's impact.

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Searching for the Seeds of Supermassive Black Holes

The seeds of supermassive black holes could show up in an upcoming sky survey with JWST.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, February 10 – 19


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The Universe Is Too Smooth By Half

Results from a complex new analysis support cosmologists’ suspicions that something is missing from our understanding of the universe.

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Astronomers Discover Unexpected Ring around Distant Dwarf Planet 

There’s a strangely large-diameter ring around the outer solar system world Quaoar.

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On Burnout, the “Green Comet,” and White Dwarf Stars

With care and diligence, amateur astronomy can offer a satisfying reprieve.

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Terence Dickinson (1943 – 2023)

Terence Dickinson, Canadian astronomer and author of numerous popular books on astronomy, has passed away.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, February 3 – 12

Comet ZTF is still near its brightest, moonlight and all. Around the Big and Little Dog Stars, trace out the stick-figure patterns of the big and little dogs. A ghostly unicorn haunts the inside of the Winter Triangle.

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Lucy Mission Has a New Asteroid to Fly By

NASA’s Lucy mission now has a new first target of opportunity, a main-belt asteroid it will visit this November.

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Understanding the Tails of Comet ZTF (C/2022 E3)

We explore Comet ZTF's remarkable trio of tails and share the latest news and photos.

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