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This Week's Sky at a Glance, November 25 – December 3

Mars is closest to Earth this week, closer and brighter than we'll see it again until 2033. By late evening it's high overhead in excellent telescopic view.

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X-rays Offer View Inside the Black Hole-Powered Plasma Guns

Polarized X-rays are helping astronomers take a closer look at blazars’ “plasma guns,” the particle jets powered by supermassive black holes.

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­A Celebration of Jay Pasachoff (1943-2022)

Jay M. Pasachoff, Chair of the Astronomy Department, Director of the Hopkins Observatory, and Field Memorial Professor of Astronomy at Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts, succumbed to cancer on Sunday morning, November 20th.

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A Supernova Hits a Cosmic Speed Bump

Why did a supernova abruptly change color? A recent study suggests a change in ejecta velocity — a cosmic speed bump — might be the culprit.

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Webb Telescope Reveals Starbirth in a Riot of Colors

A riot of colors in this James Webb Space Telescope infrared image show the warm glow of a feeding infant star, representing a look back in time at a star very like the Sun.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, November 18 – 26

Orion works its way up from behind the horizon after dinnertime and stands high by late evening. Big bright Jupiter and Mars dominate the sky. Jupiter is under the Great Square; Mars is in the horns of Taurus.

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BlueWalker 3 Satellite Unfolds, Brightening 40-fold

The unfolding of the BlueWalker 3's giant flat-panel antenna array resulted in a satellite 40 times as bright, outshining most stars.

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Sneak Peek at Two Promising Comets

Ready to chase comets? We look at two fuzzy solar system travelers that will keep you on your toes all fall and winter long.

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NASA Launches SLS Rocket on Artemis 1

NASA’s next-generation Moon rocket has left the launchpad on the first flight of the Artemis program.

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Was Interstellar Object `Oumuamua a Chunk of Exo-Pluto?

The interstellar pancake named 'Oumuamua might have been a chip off a Pluto-like object in another star system.

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Shredded Star Reveals a Dwarf Galaxy’s Central Black Hole

A luminous flare provides astronomers with a rare opportunity to measure the mass of an otherwise quiescent black hole at the center of a dwarf galaxy.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, November 11 – 19

The Moon shines in the east with ever-brightening Mars, then it wanes down into the early morning hours to leave the evenings dark for deep-sky observing. Jupiter glares on high. Vega and its binary accompaniments await you in the west.

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Ancient White Dwarf Hosts Planetary Graveyard

Scientists have discovered one of the oldest planetary graveyards in the Milky Way: a cool white dwarf "polluted" with rocky debris.

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Hubble Spies Supernova in Early Universe

Archival Hubble Space Telescope images taken more than a decade ago have revealed an ancient star in the act of exploding.

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Observing Chile’s Finest

During October, Editor in Chief Peter Tyson accompanied 19 adventurous skygazers on a 12-day expedition to Chile — the “astronomy capital of the world” — for a tour of breathtaking landscapes and the magnificent southern sky.

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Shields Up: Red Dwarf Worlds Might Adapt to Hostile Systems

Worlds around red dwarf stars might build an ozone "shield" in response to stellar flares.

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Squid Galaxy Gets in on the Neutrino Game

Astronomers have connected dozens of neutrinos detected by the IceCube Observatory to a nearby galaxy, M77, aka the Squid Galaxy.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, November 4 – 12

The Moon gets totally eclipsed this week as it walks from Jupiter to Mars, the two brightest evening planets. Saturn is at eastern quadrature, which means an effect is under way for evening telescope users.

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Get Ready for Tuesday's Total Lunar Eclipse

The total lunar eclipse of November 8th favors western North America, but the whole continent will enjoy much of the spectacle, provided skies are clear.

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The Light Show of Jupiter’s Dark Side

The unique vantage point of NASA's Juno spacecraft has revealed a new side to Jupiter's auroras.

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Election Eclipse — Last Total Lunar Eclipse till 2025

Set the alarm and bring plenty of coffee. We've got a total lunar eclipse coming that you don't want to miss.

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