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Explaining the Odd Behavior of Interstellar Object 'Oumuamua

It wasn't aliens after all — an astrochemist and an astronomer have teamed up to explain why the interstellar object 1I/'Oumuamua behaved the way it did.

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Asteroid Analysis Reveals Prebiotic Compounds

Prebiotic compounds previously found in meteorites have now turned up in pristine samples from the asteroid Ryugu, confirming their extraterrestrial origin.

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This Galaxy Is Powerful, But Lonely Too

A large elliptical galaxy spewing a black hole–powered jet might have eaten its neighbors, leaving it on its own.

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Rosalind Franklin Rover Targeting 2028 Launch to Mars

The European Space Agency is working to get its ambitious Mars rover back on track after complex delays.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, March 17 – 26

The crescent Moon visits Venus. The Orange Triangle turns nearly equilateral. And as evening grows late, Arcturus begins to dominate the low northeast. It's turning spring.

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Scientists Finally Find Active Volcanism on Venus

After decades of searching, scientists have finally found a clear sign of active volcanism on Venus.

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Anticipating Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS (C/2023 A3)

Newly discovered Comet C/2023 A3 might reach naked-eye brightness when it flies past Earth in 2024. Check out our forecast of what to expect to see in the months ahead.

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Tell Time with the Big Dipper; See Ceres Transit M100

Phone battery dead? Learn how to tell time with the Big Dipper. Also, don't miss a remarkable transit of Ceres in front of the bright spiral galaxy M100.

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Amateur Astronomers Help Provide Uninterrupted View of Venus’s Clouds

The newest observations will help astronomers understand a planetary-scale wave in the atmosphere of our sister planet.

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Water on Earth Might Predate the Solar System

Astronomers studying the water vapor around a newborn star find that it’s chemically similar to ice in solar system comets, a possible source of Earth’s oceans.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, March 10 – 19

Venus and Jupiter widen in twilight. Mars, Aldebaran, and Betelgeuse form a triangle of similar orange sparkles. And there's lots to explore with optical aid off the trailing foot of Gemini, including the Toes.

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Do Diamonds Rain on the Ice Giants?

New research shows diamonds might condense out of Neptune's mantle, but not Uranus', explaining a decades-old discrepancy.

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Watch the Milky Way’s Black Hole Spaghettify a Cloud

Two decades of observations show a dusty gas cloud elongating as it approaches our galaxy's supermassive black hole.

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Sucker Holes

When skies are cloudy, sucker holes may offer us a view — albeit often only a brief one — of the universe overhead.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, March 3 – 12

Venus and Jupiter draw majestically apart in the evening twilight, 1° farther each day. Much higher, Mars makes its third pass in the last five months between the horntip stars of Taurus.

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Satellite Trails Mar Hubble Images

An accounting of satellite streaks across two decades of Hubble Space Telescopes finds their appearance is increasing.

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New Planets in the Neighborhood

A planet-hunting consortium is marking five successful years by releasing data on more than 50 worlds.

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The Aftermath of DART, Humankind’s First Planetary Defense Mission

Five new studies give a full accounting of the aftermath of the impact of NASA's DART mission on a nearby asteroid.

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Get Ready for the Auroras

These are the nights to get ready for the aurorae — and tonight may be your lucky night. Not only is the current solar cycle swiftly intensifying, March is one of the best times of the year to see the northern lights.

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March: The Winter Hexagon

As the Northern Hemisphere edges toward the March equinox and beyond, stargazers have an abundance of brilliant stars overhead as darkness falls. Anchoring the celestial parade is Orion, the Hunter. Download or listen to this month’s Sky Tour to learn about — and how to spot — the Winter Hexagon of big, beautiful winter stars.

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A Fresh Look at Kepler-444’s Ancient Planetary System

Astronomers have taken a closer look at a system containing three stars and five planets and may have solved a mystery around its formation.

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