Space News & Blog Articles

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Dance of Giant Stars Creates Ripples of Dust

Every time two giant stars swing around each other, they enrich the cosmos with complex organic molecules.

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DART Asteroid Redirect Test Wildly Successful

They needed to slow the moon’s orbit by 73 seconds. They slowed it by more than half an hour.

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Chinese Observatory Will Study Violent Events on the Sun

China has sent up the ASO-S space observatory to study solar flares, eruptions, and the Sun’s magnetic field.

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Speeding Cloud Might Come from Recent, Nearby Supernova

Hypervelocity clouds, generally thought to be falling fast into the Milky Way, might have an alternative explanation that places them near us.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, October 7 – 15

The bright Moon this week passes Jupiter, then Mars. Deep-sky darkness starts returning to the evening sky on the Thursday the 13th. The bulky Andromegasus Dipper is on autumn display.

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Astronomers Map the Milky Way's "Underworld"

A simulated map of the Milky Way shows the location of our galaxy's stellar corpses — and they're not where you might think they'd be.

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Full Moon Fringe Benefits

The upcoming Hunter's Moon reminds us of the many ways we can enjoy observing our humble satellite.

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Watch Astronomy's Workhorse in Action

Watch what the Sloan Digital Sky Survey has observed (galaxies galore and swarms of asteroids) and then see what goes on behind the scenes.

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Meet Scheat, the Peak of Pegasus

Meet Scheat, the orange giant star that peaks the Great Square of Pegasus in autumn skies in the Northern Hemisphere.

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Beware the Astronomy Habit

Why do you look up? Maybe there was something that initially drew you out to the stars...and maybe now it's a habit of the best kind.

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October: Make Way for Jupiter

October is a great time of year to do some casual stargazing. The stars and planets are waiting for you — all you need is this month’s Sky Tour astronomy podcast. Just download or stream the audio file and take it with you outside.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, September 30 – October 8

The Moon poses with Antares at dusk. A few nights later, lunar sunrise unveils the sharp black line of the Straight Wall in Mare Nubium for small-telescope users. Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars span the evening sky. Mercury climbs onstage at dawn.

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SOFIA Airborne Observatory Has Taken Its Final Flight

The flying observatory has been grounded due to its lofty price-tag and questionable productivity, causing an outcry among astronomers

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Wobbly Star Reveals the Closest Black Hole Yet

The most compelling dormant stellar-mass black hole candidate in the Milky Way orbits a Sun-like star only 1,570 light-years away.

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NASA's Juno to Fly Past Europa

Juno will pass over the surface of Europa this week in our closest view since the Galileo mission, aiding future exploration efforts.

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Photos Show Drama of DART Asteroid Impact

The DART impact into asteroid moon Dimorphos wowed astronomers with an unexpectedly dramatic plume.

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Breadcrumbs Lead to Baby Planet

New radio images reveal evidence for a planet forming around the Sun-like star LkCa 15.

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New Observations Add Fuel to Fast Radio Burst Origin Debate

A peculiar repeating fast radio burst seems to be coming from a dynamic environment in an otherwise uninteresting region, leaving researchers scratching their heads as to the burst’s origin.

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NASA's DART Mission to Impact Asteroid Monday

NASA's DART mission will impact the asteroidal moon Didymos on Monday. Here's how to watch and what we'll learn.

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Neptune's Rings, Jupiter's “Frosted Cupcakes,” and 3D Views of Mars

Three solar system emissaries have returned beautiful and even interactive vistas of Neptune, Jupiter, and Mars.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, September 23 – October 1

Cygnus and the Milky Way cross the zenith after the end of twilight. Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars await your scope through the night. A thin crescent Moon poses favorably at dawn — because it's cupped.

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