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Juno’s Entire 42nd Flight Past Jupiter in One Amazing Mosaic

On May 23, 2022, the Juno spacecraft made another close pass of Jupiter, with its suite of scientific instruments collecting data and its JunoCam visible light camera snapping photos all the while. This close pass, called a perijove, is the 42nd time the spacecraft has swung past Jupiter since Juno’s arrival in 2016.

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China's next crewed spacecraft is ready for potential space station rescue mission

China's Shenzhou 14 astronauts are only just settling in for their six-month mission aboard the country's space station, but Shenzhou 15 is already on standby in case of an emergency in orbit.

Globalstar spare satellite to launch on SpaceX rocket this month

File photo of a Globalstar second-generation satellite. Credit: Thales Alenia Space

A spare satellite for Globalstar’s data relay and messaging constellation will launch from Cape Canaveral on a Falcon 9 rocket later this month, multiple sources said, in a previously-undisclosed mission on SpaceX’s schedule.

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The 3 biggest constellations will be on full display this June. Here's how to see them.

June presents a perfect opportunity to spot the three biggest constellations in the sky — Hydra, Virgo and Ursa Major — but you may have to look beyond standard star charts to find the Big Three.

'Top Gun: Maverick' got help from Lockheed Martin engineers to create its hypersonic SR-72 Darkstar plane

Lockheed Martin engineers assist Hollywood to design "Top Gun: Maverick's" Darkstar jet

Dizzy up the telescope: NASA channels 'Space Invaders' in new browser game

Time to get your laser blasters ready again to hunt down aliens — or at least alien galaxies.

This newly discovered neutron star might light the way for a whole new class of stellar object

The discovery of a neutron star emitting unusual radio signals is rewriting our understanding of these unique star systems.

Striking dunes on Mars boast a complex formation history

Scientists are tracing the movement of dust over Martian eons using a high-definition camera from orbit.

This is the Last Selfie InSight Will Ever Take

Few things in life captivate us more than looking at images from other planets, no matter how dull these images might seem. This is especially true for Mars, as it’s where we’ve sent the most robots to explore its cold and dry surface. The very first image from the surface of Mars in July 1976 was nothing more than the Viking 1 lander’s footpad and some rocks, but no one cared about these mundane details because we were looking at an image from Mars. We were looking at the surface of another world for the first time in human history, and not only were we captivated by it, but we wanted more.

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Astronomers Just Practiced What Would Happen if a Potentially Dangerous Asteroid was Detected

In and around our planet, there are thousands of comets and asteroids known as Near-Earth Objects (NEOs). Multiple space agencies and government affiliates are responsible for tracking them, especially those known as Potentially Hazardous Asteroids (PHA). These objects are so-designated because they will cross Earth’s orbit and may even collide with it someday. Considering how impacts in the past have caused mass extinctions (like the Chicxulub Impact Event that killed the dinosaurs), future impacts are something we would like to avoid!

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SpaceX cargo mission grounded to investigate possible fuel leak

A SpaceX Dragon cargo ship approaches the International Space Station on Aug. 30, 2021. Credit: NASA

SpaceX has postponed this week’s planned launch of a Dragon cargo mission to the International Space Station to investigate a possible leak detected during fueling of the spacecraft at Cape Canaveral.

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SpaceX's next cargo launch to space station delayed from Friday due to odd propellant reading

SpaceX's next cargo mission to the International Space Station won't launch this week after all.

Hubble Space Telescope images twisted galaxy shaped by a big neighbor

This fresh Hubble Space Telescope image looks like a gassy disaster unfolding deep in space.

Perseverance is Seeing A LOT of Dust Devils

While the Mars InSight lander is still waiting for a passing dust devil to clean off its solar panels, it appears the Perseverance rover sees dust devils several times a day.

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Valery Ryumin, cosmonaut who launched to Salyut and Mir space stations, dies at 82

Russian cosmonaut Valery Ryumin, who launched on four space station missions including the final U.S. space shuttle flight to dock with the former Mir outpost, has died.

New simulation charts how the early universe developed within seconds of the Big Bang

A new simulation maps the first few seconds after the Big Bang, focusing on what scientists call the intergalactic medium, or the gas and dust between galaxies.

NASA's Artemis 1 moon rocket returns to launch pad for crucial tests

The Artemis 1 stack rolled out to Kennedy Space Center's Pad 39B today (June 6) for the second time, gearing up for another crack at its 'wet dress rehearsal.'

First Images From JWST are Coming on July 12th

We’re about to reach a milestone that many thought we would never reach. After years of wrangling, cost overruns, threats of cancellation, and lobbying by the science community, the James Webb Space Telescope is only weeks away from its first images.

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How plate tectonics, mountains and deep-sea sediments have maintained Earth's 'Goldilocks' climate

Over the past century, humans have pushed CO₂ levels to their highest in 2 million years – overtaking natural emissions – mostly by burning fossil fuels, causing ongoing global warming that may make parts of the globe uninhabitable.

SpaceX's Starship will deploy next-gen Starlink satellites Pez-dispenser style (video)

SpaceX's Starship vehicle will operate like a gigantic flying Pez dispenser on some missions, if all goes according to plan.