Space News & Blog Articles

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Dress to impress: US Space Force releases new grooming and uniform guidelines

The U.S. Space Force has just outlined new grooming and uniform policies for members of the service, who are known as Guardians.

Jupiter is a whirling world in stunning (and woozy) footage from Juno spacecraft

Hang on tight as you watch this new footage of Jupiter. This sped-up view shows the perspective of NASA's Juno spacecraft as it flew above the gas giant on April 9.

Monument to NASA's fallen Apollo 1 crew dedicated at national cemetery

A monument now stands at Arlington National Cemetery in memory of the Apollo 1 crew, the first astronauts to die in their spacecraft, 55 years after the fire took their lives.

Monster black holes may have murdered their host galaxies in the early universe

A study of a sample of galaxies that existed up to 12.5 billion years ago has provided further evidence that radiation from active supermassive black holes suppresses star formation.

Chinese astronaut gives hair-washing demonstration in space (video)

Chinese astronaut Wang Yaping shows how she kept her hair clean while aboard the Tianhe space station module.

This Week's Sky at a Glance, June 3 – 11

For three nights running, the waxing Moon will pose equidistant from the two brightest stars of Leo. The Cassiopeia W lies exactly level in the north. And for that to happen, Kochab has to be straight above Polaris.

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Earth from Space: Puglia, Italy

Part of Puglia, or Apulia, a region in southern Italy, is featured in this image captured by the Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission.

Astronomers Find 116,000 New Variable Stars

What do two guys from Ohio, the GAIA mission, a worldwide network of ground-based telescopes, machine learning, and citizen scientists all have to do with each other? Thanks to this interesting combo of people and computers, astronomers now have more than 116,000 new variable stars to study. Until now, they knew of about 46,000 of these stars in the Milky Way Galaxy. They had observed maybe 10,000 or so in other galaxies. The discovery gives astronomers even more chances to study variables and understand why they behave the way they do.

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Objects That Share the Same Orbit are Common in the Solar System. But we’ve Never Seen co-Orbital Exoplanets. Why?

“Where are all the Trojans” is a question valid in both the study of ancient history and the study of exoplanets. Trojan bodies, which share orbital paths with other, larger planets, are prevalent in our solar system – most obviously in the Trojan asteroids that follow Jupiter around on its orbital path. However, they seem absent from any star system found with exoplanets. Now, a team of researchers from the SETI Institute and NASA’s Ames Research Center thinks they have found a reason why.

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Russian Soyuz rocket poised for launch with space station cargo freighter

NASA TV (English)

Roscosmos Webcast (Russian)

Russia’s Progress MS-20 cargo freighter is set for launch Friday on a fast-track, three-and-a-half hour rendezvous with the International Space Station to deliver around three tons of fuel, food, and supplies for the lab’s seven-person crew.

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A Pulsar has Been Found Turning so Slowly Astronomers Didn't Even Think it was Possible: Once Every 76 Seconds

Astronomy is progressing rapidly these days, thanks in part to how advances in one area can contribute to progress in another. For instance, improved optics, instruments, and data processing methods have allowed astronomers to push the boundaries of optical and infrared to gravitational wave (GW) astronomy. Radio astronomy is also advancing considerably thanks to arrays like the MeerKAT radio telescope in South Africa, which will join with observatories in Australia in the near future to create the Square Kilometer Array (SKA).

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The Stars in Other Galaxies are Generally Heavier Than the Milky Way’s Stars

How many of what kinds of stars live in other galaxies? It seems like a simple question, but it’s notoriously hard to pin down, because astronomers have such a difficult time estimating stellar populations in remote galaxies. Now a team of astronomers has completed a census of over 140,000 galaxies and found that distant galaxies tend to have heavier stars.

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NASA to buy 5 more astronaut missions from SpaceX

NASA plans to buy five more SpaceX crewed flights to the International Space Station.

Elon Musk tells SpaceX, Tesla workers they must be in office at least 40 hours a week: report

'Remote work is no longer acceptable,' the SpaceX and Tesla CEO reportedly said in memos to both companies.

Russia will launch a cargo mission to the space station early Friday morning. Watch it live

Russia will launch a robotic cargo mission to the International Space Station early Friday morning (June 3), and you can watch the action live.

Pew pew! Perseverance rover on Mars picks its own prize rocks to shoot with laser

NASA is hailing the Perseverance rover's improved ability to pick its own targets as a way of speeding up science on Mars.

Blue-whale-size asteroid to screech past Earth in close encounter on June 6

An asteroid up to three times the size of a blue whale will sail past Earth on June 6, 2022.

Our Mars rover mission was suspended because of the Ukraine war — here's what we're hoping for next

Just a few months ago, we were confidently expecting to launch our rover, Rosalind Franklin, to Mars in September as part of the ExoMars mission, a collaboration between Europe and Russia.

The Life and Times of Immortal Stars

Under the right conditions, stars could become immortal. How is this possible, and what does it mean for these stars’ surroundings?

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4 hostile alien civilizations may lurk in the Milky Way, a new study suggests

New research calculates the odds that humans will contact a 'malicious' alien civilization that wants to invade our planet. Don't worry, the chances are incredibly small.