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Astronomy Jargon 101: Interstellar Medium

In this series we are exploring the weird and wonderful world of astronomy jargon! You’ll have a lot of time to contemplate today’s topic: the interstellar medium!

What fills the vast spaces between the stars? Mostly nothing – those expanses would register as a vacuum in a laboratory here on Earth. But it’s not completely, totally, 100% empty. If you look closely, and wait long enough, you’ll see a beehive of activity.

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Europa Clipper’s Thermal Imaging System was Tested Here on Earth

The highly anticipated Europa Clipper mission, set to launch in 2024, will investigate Jupiter’s moon Europa. This icy moon with a subsurface ocean is considered one of the most enticing places in our Solar System where life might exist. To look beneath Europa’s icy crust, the Clipper mission has a host of instruments looking for plumes and ‘hot spots.’

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Streams of stars orbiting the Milky Way shed light on galaxy’s dark matter

Stellar groupings orbiting the outskirts of the Milky Way shed new light on the elusive dark matter surrounding our galaxy.

Virgin Orbit launching 7 satellites today: Watch it live

The "Above the Clouds" mission is scheduled to lift off from California's Mojave Air and Space Port today (Jan. 13) between 4 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. EST (2100 to 2330 GMT).

SpaceX readies for Transporter-3 launch this morning

SpaceX is preparing another one of its Falcon 9 rockets to launch a bevy of small satellites into space this morning (Jan. 13), and you can watch the fiery action live online.

Powerful superflares discovered erupting from superdense stellar corpse

A rare type of white dwarf star has been erupting in the most extreme superflares of its kind ever seen, researchers find in a new study.

'Cow' supernova is brightest ever seen in X-ray observations

Astronomers have spotted the brightest ever 'Ccow' supernova shining in x-rays providing evidence the mysterious phenomenon might be driven by an emerging black hole or a neutron star.

Meet Relativity Space: the little 3D printing rocket company that could

One fast-growing rocket start-up is 3D printing its way to space.

Roswell Incident: the truth behind the 'flying saucer' crash

Did a UFO really crash land at Roswell, New Mexico in 1947, only to be hushed up by the government?

Live coverage: SpaceX ready to launch 105 satellites today

Live coverage of the countdown and launch of a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from pad 40 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Florida. The mission will launch 105 small satellites from customers in 20 nations. Follow us on Twitter.

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1,000-light-year "Bubble" Is the Source of All Nearby Baby Stars

Supernovae that carved out the Local Bubble, a cavity around the Sun, have also triggered star formation at the bubble's edges.

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SpaceX rocket to land back at Cape Canaveral Thursday

A close-up of the top of the Falcon 9 booster stage set for launch with the Transporter 3 rideshare mission. Credit: Michael Cain / Spaceflight Now / Coldlife Photography

SpaceX plans to land a Falcon 9 rocket booster back at Cape Canaveral around eight-and-a-half minutes after launch Thursday in the company’s first onshore rocket recovery since last June.

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Fast Radio Bursts can now be Tracked in Real-Time

Located in the Okanagan Valley outside of Penticton, British Columbia, there is a massive radio observatory dedicated to observing cosmic radio phenomena. It’s called the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME), a cylindrical parabolic radio telescope that looks like what snowboarders would call a “half-pipe.” This array is part of the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory (DRAO), overseen by the National Research Council (NRC).

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SpaceX preps for first of four ‘Transporter’ rideshare launches this year

A Falcon 9 rocket stands vertical on pad 40 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station for liftoff on SpaceX’s Transporter 3 rideshare mission. Credit: SpaceX

With its small satellite launch business booming, SpaceX is set to double its cadence of dedicated rideshare missions this year, beginning with the liftoff of a Falcon 9 rocket Thursday from Cape Canaveral with 105 spacecraft for customers in 20 countries.

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Astronomy Jargon 101: Ionosphere

In this series we are exploring the weird and wonderful world of astronomy jargon! You’ll find today’s topic absolutely sizzling: the ionosphere!

In the upper reaches of the Earth’s atmosphere, the intense UV and X-ray radiation from the Sun bombards molecules and atoms, causing them to split apart. The resulting positively charged nuclei are called ions, and the free electrons are called…free electrons. These charged particles behave differently than normal neutral molecules, especially when it comes to how they interact with radio waves.

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NASA getting SLS megarockets ready for crewed moon missions

The first SLS mission, an uncrewed flight around the moon, is scheduled to launch in March. Crewed missions are slated to follow in 2024 and 2025.

Testing underway for Astra’s first launch from Cape Canaveral

File photo of a previous Astra rocket on a launch pad in Alaska. Credit: Astra

Tests are beginning this week at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station for the first flight of Astra’s small satellite launcher from the Florida spaceport, following the company’s successful November demonstration mission from Alaska.

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James Webb Space Telescope begins lining up its golden mirrors

Just weeks after the excitement of launch, the James Webb Space Telescope is already seeking focus in space.

A 3,400-foot-wide asteroid will make a safe flyby of Earth next week

A huge asteroid will safely whiz by our planet next week.

China’s Lander Has Detected Water on the Moon

China’s Chang’e-5 lunar lander has found evidence of hydroxyl (OH) on the Moon. Hydroxyl is a close chemical cousin of water, H2O. While several other orbital missions have detected OH on the Moon previously, Chang’e-5 marks the first time it has been detected by a spacecraft sitting on the lunar surface.

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NASA's InSight Mars lander hunkering down in Red Planet dust storm

The spacecraft is riding out a dust storm, but the agency said it hopes to resume normal operations next week.