Space News & Blog Articles

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James Webb Space Telescope, the biggest ever built, fully unfolds giant mirror to gaze at the cosmos

NASA's James Webb Space Telescope unfolded the second "wing" of its massive primary mirror today (Jan. 8), marking the end of its complex deployment.

Weird structures near Earth's core may be scars from a primordial interplanetary collision

A collision with a Mars-size planet 4.5 billion years ago may have left a permanent impact on our planet's deep mantle.

Kazakhstan unrest not affecting Baikonur Cosmodrome spaceport, Russia says

The current chaos in Kazakhstan isn't seriously impacting the famous spaceport in the nation, Russian officials say.

The Selene V crew hit the moonwalk jackpot — Commander's report: lunar day 10

Commander Musilova describes how the Selene V crew compensated for their confinement in the habitat by doing excessive amounts of moonwalks and research activities when the weather finally cleared.

Google Doodle celebrates the life of cosmologist Stephen Hawking for his 80th birthday

The pioneering work of physicist Stephen Hawking is honored in a Google Doodle today (Jan. 8).

Astronomers Discover a Totally New Kind of Nebula

Most Universe Today readers are familiar with nebulae. They’re gaseous structures lit up with radiation from nearby stars, and they’re some of nature’s most beautiful forms.

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Starlink: SpaceX's satellite internet project

Starlink is a satellite network created by private spaceflight company SpaceX.

First wing of Webb telescope’s primary mirror folds into place

Artist’s illustration of the James Webb Space Telescope’s port-side mirror segment folded into place. Credit: NASA

One of the two wings holding three of the James Webb Space Telescope’s gold-coated mirror segments folded into place Friday, setting the stage for positioning of the other wing Saturday to complete the nearly $10 billion observatory’s major deployments.

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When will the sun die?

Are you worried about the sun suddenly blinking out? Never fear — our star still has billions of years left to shine.

Look up to spot the tricky planet Mercury at its 'greatest elongation' from the sun tonight

The planet Mercury, typically hard to spot for skywatchers, will be at its greatest distance from the sun in our sky Friday (Jan. 7).

Virgin Orbit lands in Times Square NYC to ring NASDAQ bell

Another kind of countdown hit New York City's Times Square Friday (Jan. 7) as a commercial spaceflight company celebrated joining the NASDAQ stock exchange.

A New Image Reveals Orion’s Flame Nebula in Infrared

The ESO has released some stunning new images of Orion’s Flame Nebula. They’re from a few years ago but are newly processed as part of the Orion cloud complex study. The images have led to discoveries in the often-observed Orion cloud complex.

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James Webb Space Telescope has unfolded 1st wing of massive golden mirror

Unfolding the two side wings of the James Webb Space Telescope's golden primary mirror marks the last major task in assembling the observatory.

Watch the James Webb Space Telescope soar through space in this livestream today!

The Virtual Telescope Project's webcast begins Friday (Jan. 7) at 4:30 p.m. EST (2130 GMT).

China’s Rover Checks out that Weird Cube on the Moon. Surprise! It’s a Rock.

Back in early December 2021, China’s Yutu 2 rover made headlines when it spied what looked like a curious cube-shaped object on the Moon’s surface. Of course, speculations ran rampant. And it didn’t help matters any when the China National Space Administration (CNSA) nicknamed the object the “mystery hut.”

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Astronomers discover 'Maggie,' a giant atomic cloud stretching across the Milky Way

Stretching thousands of light-years across the Milky Way, a newly discovered filament of hydrogen named Maggie is one of the biggest structures ever discovered in our galaxy.

Here’s Why Webb Doesn’t Have Cameras on Board to Livestream its Deployment

As the James Webb Space Telescope unfolds and makes its way to its final destination in space, NASA and ESA have done a great job of sharing the experience with the public. With webcasts, livestreams and a very active social media presence, the JWST team has allowed people to watch over the shoulders of engineers and scientists, as well as ask questions about the process of commissioning the new telescope.

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1 billion seconds in space! NASA's Hubble Space Telescope surpasses major milestone

NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope has reached a major milestone: one billion seconds in the final frontier.

Matter and antimatter respond to gravity in the same way, study finds

Matter and antimatter behave the same under the influence of gravity, a new study found, leaving scientists no wiser as to what makes the two different.

Death star: In cosmic first, scientists observe red supergiant just before it explodes

It's much easier for scientists to see the messy aftermath of stellar explosions than to watch the prelude to the drama.

This Week's Sky at a Glance, January 7 – 15

Mercury draws close to Saturn low in twilight, then turns shy and runs away. Jupiter watches from above. The Moon, careless of such goings-on, waxes through first quarter to show off for your telescope.

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