Space News & Blog Articles

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What was the Star of Bethlehem?

The Star of Bethlehem led the three wise men to Jesus' birth, according to the New Testament. But what was the Star of Bethlehem? There are several theories.

Is our universe a holographic projection? Scientists are using black holes and quantum computing to find out.

Scientists are using quantum computing to understand what's inside a black hole and test if our universe is a holographic projection.

Russian military could target satellites in Ukraine conflict, NRO chief warns: report

Commercial and government satellites could be targets of the Russian military as it seeks advantage in Ukraine, the head of the U.S. National Reconnaissance Office said.

A giant Mars dust pile is sculpted by the wind in this photo by a European probe

An enormous dust deposit on Mars shows the power of Martian wind in a new image snapped from orbit.

Cosmic detectives investigate the origins of Milky Way material

An analysis of light coming from hundreds of thousands of stars in our galaxy , the Milky Way, revealed where chunks of the galaxy came from.

Rocket Lab aims to break in new launch pad with next space mission

Rocket Lab has finished work on the second pad at its New Zealand launch complex — and this newly built Pad B is set to host its first liftoff as early as Monday (Feb. 28).

Meet the Experts: The James Webb Space Telescope

Video: 00:12:24

Are you curious to know how a telescope works? Join ESA astronomer Giovanna Giardino as she gives an insight into the inner workings of the world’s largest telescope in space, the extraordinary James Webb Space Telescope.

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A Detailed Simulation of the Universe Creates Structures Very Similar to the Milky Way and its Surroundings

In their pursuit of understanding cosmic evolution, scientists rely on a two-pronged approach. Using advanced instruments, astronomical surveys attempt to look farther and farther into space (and back in time) to study the earliest periods of the Universe. At the same time, scientists create simulations that attempt to model how the Universe has evolved based on our understanding of physics. When the two match, astrophysicists and cosmologists know they are on the right track!

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What is a 'morning star,' and what is an 'evening star'?

What is a "morning star," and what is an "evening star"? Aren't they all planets? Can a planet sometimes be both of those things, or neither? Here's the complete guide for understanding these stargazing terms.

European space partnerships with Russia face uncertain future amid Ukraine tension

What does the invasion in Ukraine mean for Europe's space partnership with Russia, and can business continue as usual despite European countries rolling out economic sanctions?

US launch providers eyeing Russia-Ukraine situation

The situation is sensitive and complicated, given that Russia is a key partner in the International Space Station and also supplies engines for two high-profile U.S. launch companies.

We don’t Know Exactly When the Dinosaurs Died, but Now We Know it was in the Springtime

We’ve long known a disaster took place about 66 million years ago, where in a geological instant, 75% of the plants and animals on Earth were wiped out, including all the land-roaming dinosaurs. But here’s a new detail about that event: Even though we can’t pinpoint exactly what year this disaster took place, we now know it happened during the springtime.

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Hubble telescope spots a 'Space Triangle' galaxy crash spawning new stars

A head-on collision between galaxies has created a vast, cosmic triangle in deep space glittering with star formation in a new image captured by the Hubble Space Telescope.

Does the Entire Planet Have a Mind of its Own?

What is humanity? Do our minds set us apart from the rest of nature and from the rest of Earth? Or does Earth have a collective mind of its own, and we’re simply part of that mind? On the literal face of it, that last question might sound ridiculous.

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NASA is Upping the Power on its Lunar Wattage Challenge!

For years, NASA has been gearing up for its long-awaited return to the Moon with the Artemis Program. Beginning in 2025, this program will send the first astronauts (“the first woman and first person of color”) to the Moon since the end of the Apollo Era. Beyond that, NASA plans to establish the necessary infrastructure to allow for a “sustained program of lunar exploration,” such as the Lunar Gateway and the Artemis Base Camp.

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IDW honors 'The Rocketeer' 40th anniversary with daring new comic book miniseries

IDW Publishing honors the 40th anniversary of Dave Stevens' "The Rocketeer" with a soaring miniseries starting this April.

Fast Radio Burst's Unlikely Home Puzzles Astronomers

Astronomers have found a fast radio burst — presumably a flash from a young stellar remnant — amongst the ancient stars of a globular cluster, challenging ideas about what produces these enigmatic flashes.

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Loop quantum gravity: Does space-time come in tiny chunks?

Quantum mechanics tells us that the forces of nature come in discrete, tiny chunks. Gravity, the bending of space-time, is a force. So is space-time quantized as well?