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Solar Cycle May Trigger Clouds on Neptune

Nearly 30 years of observations indicate that Neptune’s clouds and brightness vary with the Sun’s activity.

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New Comet Nishimura May Become Naked-Eye Bright

Comet Nishimura is quickly brightening in the morning sky and may be faintly visible with the naked eye next month. And on August 24th observers in North America will be treated to an occultation of Antares.

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India's Chandrayaan 3 Lands on the Moon

In a first, India’s Chandrayaan 3 soft-lands in the lunar south pole region of the Moon.

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2024 Total Solar Eclipse: 25 Events, Festivals, and Places to Stay

It’s time to make a plan for totality. On April 8, 2024, a total solar eclipse will be visible from within a path some 100 miles wide across Mexico, 14 […]

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Black Hole May Have Formed by Direct Collapse

Astronomers may have spotted a supermassive black hole in the early universe that formed when a gargantuan gas cloud imploded.

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Surf’s Up: Waves Might Be Breaking on This Star

An unusual star system that brightens and fades every month might have giant plasma waves breaking on its surface.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, August 18 – 27

The waxing Moon passes Spica and then will occult Antares for much of North America. Saturn reaches opposition this week. The Andromegasus Dipper scoops up as summer wanes.

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Astronomers Find Strange Star Is a Powerful Magnet

Astronomers have found a star that has a magnetic field rivaling the strongest magnet humans have ever built — and it might explain the origin of highly magnetic cinders known as magnetars.

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How Rare Is a Solar Eclipse?

There are two solar eclipses every year — so why are they so rare?

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Seeing Through the Smoke

The near-term haze of climate disasters obscures our possible futures. But long-term trends leave room for optimism.

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What Mud Cracks Mean for Life on Mars

Mud cracks are evidence for sustained wet-dry cycles on ancient Mars, which might have provided conditions amenable to life (with caveats).

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Russia Heads for the Moon for the First Time Since 1976

The launch of Russia’s Luna 25 lander heralds the nation’s return to lunar and planetary exploration.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, August 11 – 20

The Perseid meteors come rushing in, and peak Perseid night ends with the waning crescent Moon triangulating with Castor and Pollux. Vega and Sagittarius culminate after dark. Scorpius lays itself down.

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Webb Views the Ring Nebula and Earendel in a New Light

This week, James Webb Space Telescope reveals new details in the Ring Nebula and shows that the most distant known star isn't alone. Meanwhile, patient astronomers have collected 17 years' worth of images of the super-Jupiter Beta Pictoris b.

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Get Ready for a Great Perseid Meteor Shower

The Perseids are here! With no Moon to spoil the show it's time to break out the lawn chairs, sit back, and watch the comet dust fly.

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Comet 46P/Wirtanen: All Dust, No Ice

Where is all of the water around hyperactive comets coming from? A recent article asked if it could be “Ice, Ice, Maybe?” and concluded that it likely isn’t.

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Does the Hyades Star Cluster Harbor Black Holes?

The nearest black holes might be hiding just around the corner, 150 light-years away in the Hyades star cluster.

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A Banner Year for the Perseid Meteor Shower

It’s August and that means one of the year’s most beloved celestial events will grace the skies. The Perseid meteor shower peaks this weekend on Saturday night−Sunday morning, August 12−13.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, August 4 – 13

We're approaching the peak of the Perseid meteors. Vega claims the zenith as the Teapot claims the south. In twilight, Mars has a friendly but not very intimate date with Mercury.

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Taking Deep Breaths of Starlight

Amateur astronomy need not be a race through an astronomical task list, but rather a kindling of joy.

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How to Measure Jupiter's Deflection of Starlight

Get involved in an extraordinary experiment to test Einstein's theory of General Relativity — and you can do it from your backyard.

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