Space News & Blog Articles

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Voyager 2 Lost Contact, but "Heartbeat" Signals It's Still Alive

NASA detected a faint "heartbeat" signal from Voyager 2, after an erroneous command caused the spacecraft to lose contact with Earth.

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August: Blue Moon and Perfect Perseids

Many skywatchers look forward to seeing the Perseid meteors every August, and this month’s Sky Tour episode why they’ll be especially good this year. You’ll also learn what's so special about the full Moon that falls on the night of August 30–31.

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Astronomy in Pictures: The Birth of Stars and Planets

Images capture the birth of stars and planets in multiple results from space- and ground-based telescopes.

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Eclipse Apps, Books, and More: Resources for the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse

Find some of our favorite resources for the April 8, 2024, solar eclipse, including apps, video explainers, children's activities, and books.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, July 28 – August 6

Venus turns super-interesting and then disappears. Mercury lingers behind it in twilight. So does little Mars in third place. On the other side of the sky, the Moon passes Saturn.

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Combine October’s “Ring of Fire” Eclipse with Stargazing 

Stargazers will be interested not only in the annular eclipse this October but also in the dark skies in parks along the eclipse path!

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View Venus's Creeping Cusps at Solar Conjunction

With Venus approaching inferior conjunction in August here's a foolproof way to follow its thinning crescent as the planet transitions from Evening Star to Morning Star.

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A Jekyll-Hyde White Dwarf

The white dwarf J2033 seems to switch rapidly between two compositions.

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This Kite-like Galaxy Is Trailing a String of Gas and Star-forming Knots

A galaxy 600 million light-years away appears to be trailing gas in a string 1.2 million light-years long, but explaining its origins presents a challenge.

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See Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks in Outburst!

Comet Pons-Brooks, a dim comet on its way to a great apparition next spring, suddenly sprang into action overnight, brightening by five magnitudes. Now you can see it in a 4-inch telescope.

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Another Early-Universe Mystery: JWST Spies Dust at Cosmic Dawn

Dust is usually the product of generations of star formation. So what is all this dust doing in the early universe, just a few hundred million years after the Big Bang?

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, July 21 – 30

Low in twilight, Mercury consorts with Venus and squeaks by Regulus. The waxing gibbous Moon does what it does every July: crosses Scorpius and Sagittarius.

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This Planet Might Have a Sibling Sharing Its Orbit

Astronomers have spotted the first solid evidence for a planetary Trojan body forming in another system outside our own.

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Astronomers Find Mysterious, Slowly Pulsing Star

An unidentified source has been beaming out a pulse of radio waves every 22 minutes since 1988.

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Some Astronomers Claim Dark Star Candidates in Webb Images

Three distant galaxies imaged by the James Webb Space Telescope might actually be "dark stars" powered by dark matter annihilation, claims a team of astronomers.

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India's Chandrayaan 3 Mission Launches for the Moon

India is headed back to the Moon with its ambitious new Chandrayaan 3 mission.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, July 14 – 23

Venus, Mercury, and Mars, very unequal, gather low in the western twilight with the crescent Moon stepping over them and Regulus in their midst. And do you know which way the Kite of Boötes bends?

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Could Axions Help Fast Radio Bursts Escape a Magnetar’s Grasp?

New research proposes a way for fast radio bursts to escape the confines of a magnetized star and jet out into space — by getting help from theoretical particles called axions.

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Perseverance Finds Complex Organics (Not Life) on Mars

NASA's Perseverance has sniffed 10 rock samples and found signatures of organic molecules, a sign of a complex geochemical past.

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Time-lapse Animations Reveal a Universe in Transformation

Deep-sky objects may appear static throughout our lifetime but by carefully "blinking" archival and current images we can discern real changes in their appearance.

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Unintended Satellite Emission May Harm Radio Astronomy

Satellites’ leakage radiation, now detected for the first time, may become a major problem for radio astronomy, as “megaconstellations” keep on growing.

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