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First Look at Material from Asteroid Bennu on the Ground

The Osiris-REX sample collection team reveals the first look at material collected from the asteroid Bennu.

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The Stars Are Waiting

Making room for astronomy in my life has felt like coming home — as if the universe has left a literal light on for me.

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When It's Eclipse Decision Time, How Do You Decide Where to Go?

Satellite imagery will prove invaluable in making decisions on the day of the annular solar eclipse.

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Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks Flares Again!

Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks has awakened again from its recent slumbers with a fresh outburst. It's now bright enough to see in a modest telescope.

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The History of Baily’s Brilliant Beads

Discover the observations of astronomer Francis Baily as he watched sunlight bead along the lunar limb during an 1836 annular eclipse.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, October 6 – 15

A partial/annular eclipse of the Sun washes across the Americas on Wednesday the 14th. Four days before, the waning Moon and Venus pair up in early dawn with Regulus glimmering between them.

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"Ring of Fire" Solar Eclipse Comes to the Americas on October 14th

A solar eclipse will soon grace the skies over the Americas. On Saturday, October 14, 2023, the Moon will cross in front of the Sun, spending up to 5 minutes 17 seconds centered on the brilliant solar disk, but it will cover at most 90% of it. The remaining 10% will appear as a blazing “ring of fire” around the Moon’s black silhouette.

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In a First, Astronomers Directly Image the Cosmic Web

Astronomers have directly imaged emission from the cosmic web, the filamentary structure that underlies the universe.

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DIY Weather Forecast for the October 14th Eclipse

The October annular eclipse is coming up, and the most important requirement will be clear skies. Here's how to forecast the weather.

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“Planet X” May Have Left Our Solar System Billions of Years Ago

A new understanding of far-off worlds in the outer solar system suggests that if "Planet X" ever existed, it has long since left the vicinity.

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Comet Hartley Comes Home Again; Gegenschein-gazing

Get acquainted with Comet 103P/Hartley. It's been a dozen years since its last bright apparition. While you're at it challenge yourself to spot the elusive gegenschein.

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The Bright BlueWalker 3 Satellite Threatens Astronomy

The bright BlueWalker 3 satellite, a prototype for the even larger Bluebird satellites, is one of the brightest objects in the sky.

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Astronomers Find Stars Cast Away from Galactic Neighbors

After decades of searching, scientists have found stars accompanying the gas streaming from two smaller galaxies that orbit our Milky Way.

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October Podcast: Jupiter & Saturn Dance at Dusk

This month’s big celestial news might be the annular solar eclipse that will be seen in the Americas, but everyone can share the fun of casual stargazing by streaming or downloading October’s Sky Tour astronomy podcast.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, September 29 – October 8

The Moon pairs with Jupiter, then the Pleiades, as it departs the evening sky. That leaves a dark-sky Milky Way crossing the zenith, where Cygnus the Milky Way Swan flies southward for fall.

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How Did Two Hot and Super-dense Neptunes Form?

Astronomers have discovered two Neptune-size planets that are denser than rock and in searingly close orbits to their star. How did these odd worlds form?

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Travel Diary: Astronomical Adventures in the Canaries

The week of September’s new Moon, a passel of astro-enthused passengers joined us to explore one of the world’s premier observing locations.

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Psyche Asteroid Mission Set for Launch October 5th

NASA’s newest mission is bound for the metallic asteroid of the same name. The metal-rich rock offers us a view of asteroid interiors.

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Stellafane Star Party Celebrates Their Centennial

As hundreds of astronomers made their annual pilgrimage to the “shrine to the stars” this year, the Springfield Telescope Makers were preparing to celebrate Stellafane's 100th anniversary.

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Osiris-REX Capsule Returns Samples of Asteroid Bennu to Earth

Samples taken from the asteroid Bennu are now safely on Earth.

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Hubble, Webb Data Hint at Ocean Worlds

Data coming from the Webb and Hubble space telescopes suggests two exoplanets might be water worlds. But the evidence isn’t yet definitive.

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