Space News & Blog Articles

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Clouds, Large and Small, of the Southern Sky

Jonathan Nally sets out to explore the Southern Hemisphere sky, starting with two uniquely southern sights: the Small and Large Magellanic Clouds.

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Astronomers Discover “Invisible” Galaxy

A radio survey has serendipitously uncovered a galaxy with no visible stars.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, January 12 – 21

The evening Moon passes Saturn, then Jupiter. Venus and Mercury march in lockstep in the eastern dawn. Capella, as always, paces Orion's bright foot. And who's winning the Sirius-Betelgeuse race?

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Did Webb Detect an Atmosphere on Hot Super-Earth 55 Cancri e?

New Webb data suggests that the hot super-Earth 55 Cancri e has a thick atmosphere, perhaps maintained by the planet's magma ocean.

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Unexplained Auroras Found on a Lonely Brown Dwarf

James Webb Space Telescope observations of a faint, giant world have revealed the signature of aurorae — even though the world has no star.

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Black Holes in Early Universe Are Too Big

JWST observations of the universe as it was 12 to 13 billion years ago indicate that the black holes at the centers of small, early galaxies were more massive than expected.

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China Launches Einstein X-ray Observatory

China’s Einstein Probe, an X-ray astronomy mission, heads to orbit.

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Astronomers Watch Another Giant Star Dim

Turns out, Betelgeuse isn't the only giant star to undergo a "Great Dimming."

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Peregrine Mission Launches for (But Not To) the Moon

The first launch of the United Launch Alliance Vulcan-Centaur rocket attempted to send Peregrine Mission One moonward, but a propulsion problem has likely stymied that goal.

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Odd Radio Circles: The Remnants of Furious Galactic Winds

New evidence suggests extreme starbursts and furious galactic winds are at the heart of odd radio circles (ORCs).

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The Best Meteor Showers in 2024

The beloved Perseid meteor shower of the August vacation season will evade the moonlight in 2024, at least during the best early morning meteor-watching hours, The Lyrids and Geminids aren't so lucky.

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To the Moon and Beyond: Top Space Missions to Watch for in 2024

Humans return to cis-lunar space, NASA heads to Europa, and Japan plans to launch a first-ever sample return mission to the moons of Mars in 2024.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, January 5 – 14

How does the Sirius-Procyon balance, newly risen, tilt for you? Depends on your latitude! Meanwhile, Triangulum and Aries teeter in balance on Jupiter.

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Doubt Cast on Exomoon Candidates

Exomoon candidates are tantalizing but, according to new research, perhaps unfounded.

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Catch Luyten's Star and the Quadrantid Meteor Shower

Relish the slow, steady pace of nearby Luyten's Star then switch things up with speedy meteors from a well-timed shower.

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India Launches New X-Ray Satellite

ISROs XPoSat will unlock the secrets of the X-ray universe.

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January Podcast: A Busy Start to 2024

If you’ve resolved to do more stargazing in the New Year, then 2024 will start you off with a bang! As told in this month’s Sky Tour astronomy podcast, you can look forward to some excellent celestial events.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, December 29 – January 5

Scintillating Sirius rises ever earlier to scintillate in colors. The Quadrantid meteors this week are well timed for Eastern North America. Two triangle constellations stack over Jupiter.

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Top 10 Astronomy News Stories of 2023

This year, we heard the low hum of gravitational waves criss-crossing the cosmos, observed a "ring of fire" solar eclipse, and applauded the arrival of asteroid samples. Here are Sky & Telescope's picks for the top news stories in astronomy this year.

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The Webb Telescope's Grand Tour of the Solar System

The James Webb Space Telescope has revealed galaxies in the early universe, hidden star formation, and sniffed the atmospheres of exoplanets. But it's also exploring closer to home, imaging each […]

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Getting Started with Your New Telescope

How to start successfully with a new telescope — a guide to what you need to know, how to set it up, and things you can start finding with it in tonight's sky.

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