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Experiencing Totality: S&T's Eclipse Stories

With Sky & Telescope's editors and writers scattered across the eclipse path, we have dozens of stories to share. Here are a few.

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What to Look For & When During a Total Solar Eclipse

Look for these astronomical and Earthbound phenomena during the total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024.

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11 Things to Take With You the Day of the Solar Eclipse

You might have your eclipse-viewing plans all worked out, but have you thought about all the other things you might need?

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, April 5 – 14

Venus and Jupiter may shine through the blue sky during the April 8th solar eclipse even if the eclipse for you is only deep partial. After dark, Orion walks down in the southwest.

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Where to Watch the Total Solar Eclipse Online

Watch the total solar eclipse — alongside interviews with scientists and astronauts — with these livestreams.

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What Will the Sun's Corona Look Like During Totality?

The eclipse is coming up, and already scientists have predicted the appearance of the solar corona on the big day.

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Awe in the Shadow of a Partial Eclipse

A partial eclipse — Eclipse Lite, if you will — can also offer a sense of wonder, albeit on a smaller scale than totality.

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A Century of Sky, Digitized

The Harvard College Observatory's glass plates, which record a century of changes in the sky, has now been converted into digital form.

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Are These Baby Pictures of the Milky Way?

Newly detected stellar aggregations in the Milky Way could be the remnants of protogalaxies from its formation — or just resonances with the galaxy's bar.

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April Fool’s on the arXiv, 2024 edition

On this April 1st, astronomers reveal fascinating discoveries inspired by astrology, pasta, Star Wars, and flamingos.

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April Podcast: Planets in Transition

April’s evening skies offer plenty of stars to check out. However, aside from Jupiter low in the west, planets are in short supply. Our latest Sky Tour podcast helps you track down Mars, Saturn, and much during April’s pleasant nights.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, March 29 – April 7

What? You say you're bored? The evening sky is moonless, the two Dog Stars align vertically, the Big Dipper dumps into the Little Dipper, and the Springs of the Gazelle cross the zenith.

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An Early End for the Chandra X-Ray Observatory?

NASA budget constraints could wind down operations of the iconic Chandra X-Ray Observatory.

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Apps to Help You See the Solar Eclipse

For the April 8th eclipse, mobile apps offer everything from weather forecasts to local circumstances. Here's a review of eclipse apps that you might find useful on the big day.

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It's Showtime! April's Total Solar Eclipse Is Upon Us!

The much-anticipated April 8th total solar eclipse is finally here!

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What Will We See in the Sky During Totality?

Most of our time will be focused on Sun during the minutes of totality on April 8th, but consider tearing yourself away for a few seconds to put it all in context.

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Strong Magnetic Fields Swirl Near Milky Way’s Black Hole

Astronomers have detected twisted, orderly magnetic fields near the event horizon of Sagittarius A*.

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Partial: The Solar Eclipse for the Rest of Us

Whether the Sun will become a dented ball or an eerie crescent of fire, a celestial shadow show awaits you anywhere in North and Central America.

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Rethinking the Milky Way’s “Galactic Fountain”

The Milky Way recycles gas from dying stars to make new ones — but new observations show pristine gas also comes in from outside our galaxy.

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Chasing the Eclipse from the Air

A solar-imaging instrument will fly on a high-altitude aircraft to explore infrared emission from the Sun’s corona.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, March 22 – 31

The full Moon goes through a penumbral eclipse. Comet Pons-Brooks nears its best viewing after dusk. As Mercury fades in the sunset, Jupiter becomes the only easy planet in the entire sky.

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