Space News & Blog Articles

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How Dark Does It Get During a Total Solar Eclipse?

Totality may not be quite as dark as nighttime, but the difference between 99% obscuration and 100% is still night and day.

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Astronomers Find New Moons of Uranus and Neptune

The three new moons for Uranus and Neptune are each part of a "family," groupings that fragmented from a single parent object.

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DIY Project: Make an Eclipse Sundial

Try this solar-eclipse experiment as you're watching the Moon cover up the Sun.

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Fuzzy Glows: See Zodiacal Light, Gegenschein, Airglow, and Aurorae

Find time this season to set aside your telescope and seek the night sky's ghostly glows.

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NASA's DART Impact Reshaped the Asteroid Dimorphos

Models of the NASA's DART impact reshaping the asteroid moon Dimorphos show that this object is "rubble all the way down."

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Cómos y Porqués De Los Eclipses Solares

Conviértase en un experto en eclipses para familiares y amigos en un par de minutos

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¿Qué es la Eclíptica?

La eclíptica, dicho de manera simple, es el plano de la órbita de la Tierra alrededor del Sol.

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Japan's Lunar Lander Wakes Up, Phones Home

The Japanese space agency has reestablished contact with its SLIM lunar lander prior to sunset, enabling mission science to continue.

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Webb Telescope Spies Hints That Solar System's Outskirts Are a Hotbed of Activity

The James Webb Space Telescope has found that distant dwarf planets might be methane factories.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, February 23 – March 3

The full Moon splits the Sickle, the dawn Moon occults Antares, carnivore constellations stand up in the east, and the zodiacal light is at its evening best.

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A Lunar Odyssey: "Odie" Lander Touches Down on the Moon

Odysseus has become the first mission of NASA's Commercial Lunar Payload Services program to soft-land on the Moon.

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Gotcha: Firm Evidence for a Neutron Star in Supernova 1987A

After decades of debate, James Webb Space Telescope observations provide firm evidence of a neutron star inside the 1987A supernova remnant.

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Astronomy for "Cloudy, Cloudy Nights"

If you have clouds in your forecast, don't give up! There’s plenty of astronomy to be enjoyed even on overcast nights.

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Most Luminous Quasar Hosts What Might Be Fastest-Growing Black Hole

In a new study, astronomers have identified a quasar more luminous and voracious than any found to date.

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Astronomers Find "Big Ring" 1.3 Billion Light-Years Across

Standard cosmological scenarios might not explain the breadth of a newly discovered cosmic structure.

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Neutron Star "Glitches" Are Clue to Mysterious Radio Bursts

New observations of a neutron star in the Milky Way's center shed light on what makes mysterious fast radio bursts.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, February 16 – 25

The Moon waxes from first quarter to full this week, traveling from the Pleiades past the not-quite-twin heads of Gemini to the Sickle of Leo. The Big Dipper and Cassiopeia stand in balance. Venus meets Mars low in the dawn.

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The Nova-C Lander Launches for the Moon

The second Commercial Lunar Payload Services mission of 2024 IM-1 Nova-C heads Moonward.

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Largest-ever Catalog of X-ray Sources Tests Cosmology 

Results from a brand-new high-energy observatory are rocking the field of cosmology. In particular, a study of more than 5,000 galaxy clusters relieves tension in the standard cosmological model.

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Get to Know the Carina Constellation

The southern constellation Carina contains arguably the best nebula in the sky, along with a host of other fascinating stars and clusters.

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Winter's Finest Triple Stars

Double stars are wonderful, but triples are terrific! Here are 16 trios to enjoy the next clear night.

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