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This Week's Sky at a Glance, March 8 – 17

The Moon sidles up to bold Jupiter, then the delicate Pleiades, then the Castor and Pollux twins. Arcturus, ascending in the east, is probably the third-brightest star you've ever seen and that's including the Sun.

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Como Fotografiar el Eclipse Con un Smartphone

Antes de intentar fotografiar el eclipse con su smartphone, lea el consejo de estos expertos.

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Webb Telescope Finds Dwarf Galaxies Lit Up the Early Universe

Faint, small galaxies ionized the opaque fog that obscured the early universe.

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Qué Buscar y Cuándo Durante un Eclipse Solar Total

Los fenómenos astronómicos y terrestres que no se debe perder durante el eclipse solar total del 8 de abril de 2024.

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Moonshots: The Successful Failure of Peregrine One

Space is hard, even when you don’t leave the ground.

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JWST Photographs Possible Giant Planets Around White Dwarfs

JWST has directly imaged two giant exoplanets orbiting white dwarf stars. This discovery may reveal the fate of our solar system.

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Meet Wezen, a Yellow Tail for a Big Dog

Wezen, a yellow supergiant more than 1,600 light-years from Earth, is also the tail of the Canis Major constellation.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, March 1 – 9

It's early March, so the Winter Triangle balances on Sirius after dark. The Gemini twins float high across the meridian. Leo jumps the gun on spring.

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March Podcast: A Barely-There Lunar Eclipse

As told in the latest episode of our long-running Sky Tour astronomy podcast, this month it’ll be challenging to a special kind of lunar eclipse on March 25th — but easy to spot five of the 10 brightest stars in the night sky.

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How Dark Does It Get During a Total Solar Eclipse?

Totality may not be quite as dark as nighttime, but the difference between 99% obscuration and 100% is still night and day.

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Astronomers Find New Moons of Uranus and Neptune

The three new moons for Uranus and Neptune are each part of a "family," groupings that fragmented from a single parent object.

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DIY Project: Make an Eclipse Sundial

Try this solar-eclipse experiment as you're watching the Moon cover up the Sun.

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Fuzzy Glows: See Zodiacal Light, Gegenschein, Airglow, and Aurorae

Find time this season to set aside your telescope and seek the night sky's ghostly glows.

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NASA's DART Impact Reshaped the Asteroid Dimorphos

Models of the NASA's DART impact reshaping the asteroid moon Dimorphos show that this object is "rubble all the way down."

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Cómos y Porqués De Los Eclipses Solares

Conviértase en un experto en eclipses para familiares y amigos en un par de minutos

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¿Qué es la Eclíptica?

La eclíptica, dicho de manera simple, es el plano de la órbita de la Tierra alrededor del Sol.

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Japan's Lunar Lander Wakes Up, Phones Home

The Japanese space agency has reestablished contact with its SLIM lunar lander prior to sunset, enabling mission science to continue.

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Webb Telescope Spies Hints That Solar System's Outskirts Are a Hotbed of Activity

The James Webb Space Telescope has found that distant dwarf planets might be methane factories.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, February 23 – March 3

The full Moon splits the Sickle, the dawn Moon occults Antares, carnivore constellations stand up in the east, and the zodiacal light is at its evening best.

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A Lunar Odyssey: "Odie" Lander Touches Down on the Moon

Odysseus has become the first mission of NASA's Commercial Lunar Payload Services program to soft-land on the Moon.

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Gotcha: Firm Evidence for a Neutron Star in Supernova 1987A

After decades of debate, James Webb Space Telescope observations provide firm evidence of a neutron star inside the 1987A supernova remnant.

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