Space News & Blog Articles

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You Can Name a (Quasi) Moon!

A new, official competition allows anyone to propose a mythology-based name for a "quasi-moon," an asteroid that orbits the Sun alongside Earth.

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See the Real Planet Parade

Maximize your planetary pleasure and get re-acquainted with Earth's siblings during the June 29th dawn planet parade.

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Dwarf Star Caught Speeding; Could Escape the Galaxy

Citizen scientists discovered a star speeding through the Milky Way. Now, astronomers are trying to track down its origins.

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Spirals Galaxies May Be a Dime a Dozen in the Early Universe

A new study with data from the James Webb Space Telescope found that galaxies may have started forming spirals far earlier than astronomers previously thought.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, June 14 – 23

On solstice week the brightening Moon moves across the evening sky from Spica to Scorpius. On Monday, it helps you find a piece of Centaurus from as far north as southernmost Canada!

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Short-lived Experiment Marks Start of Radio Astronomy from the Moon

Despite a mission glitch, NASA’s lunar radio experiment ROLSES (carried to the Moon on the Odyssesus lander in February) obtained a unique "view" of Earth.

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Webb Telescope Sees Evidence of Asteroid Collision Around Nearby Star

New data suggest the star Beta Pictoris has cleared away the remains of an asteroid pulverized as recently as two decades ago.

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Meet Shaula: The Scorpion’s Triple-Pronged Stinger

Meet Shaula, the bright star on the Scorpion's tail. It's a challenge for northern observers, but easy to find if it clears the horizon!

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What Martian Gullies Mean for Water on Mars

Martian gullies have been the center of a debate about whether Mars ever has flowing water. Now, a comprehensive study examines the question.

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"Death Star" Black Holes Can Swivel Their Million Light-Year Long Plasma Beams

Heavyweight black holes sometimes topple over on their sides, according to X-ray and radio observations of the jets these black holes power.

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Starlink Flares Can Fool Anyone — Even Airline Pilots

Starlink satellites can flare as brightly as Venus, confusing ground observers and airline pilots alike.

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Hubble to Transition to New Observing Mode, Will Continue Science

NASA engineers are working to extend operations for the venerable space telescope. Observations are expected to continue by mid-June.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, June 7 – 16

The waxing Moon reenters the sky as an evening crescent. Pollux and Castor keep it company. The Big Dipper hangs straight down. And can you still catch wintry Capella? The colder your latitude the better your chance.

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Why We Look Up: Anticipation

Anticipation makes observing celestial delights all the sweeter.

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Webb Telescope Finds Strangely Bright Galaxies at Cosmic Dawn

Another record-breaker: Two galaxies date to only 300 million years after the Big Bang. How did they grow so big and bright so quickly?

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Comet 13P/Olbers Juices Up June Skies

June brings heat and bugs but also a moderately bright, early-evening comet that returns every 69 years.

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China's Chang'e 6 Lands on the Lunar Farside

China Chang’e 6 mission has landed on the Moon and is now set to perform another first: a sample return from the lunar farside.

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Astronomers Discover New Earth-size World Only 40 Light-Years Away

This nearby terrestrial world might just reveal the secrets of atmospheric composition and habitability for planets like Earth and Venus.

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June Podcast: Spotting the Serpent Charmer

Listen to this tour of the stars and planets that you’ll see overhead during June. Learn how to spot three planets before dawn, and to track down a snake-handler in the early summer sky. Grab your curiosity, and come along on this month’s Sky Tour.

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Voyager 1 (and Half Its Instruments) Are Back Online

Voyager 1 is once again returning data from two of four science instruments onboard.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, May 31 – June 9

Arcturus and Vega highlight the evening, The Big Dipper quickly pivots. And sorry, tell your friends and family who ask that no "dazzling Parade of Planets" is blazing across the sky. Who makes this stuff up??

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