Space News & Blog Articles

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Meet Alkaid, the Big Dipper’s Handle

Alkaid is the end star of the Big Dipper's handle, a bright-blue example of a nearby B-type star.

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Ready the Hot Cocoa and Recliner — Here Comes the Eta Aquariid Meteor Shower!

You might be tempted to sleep through this annual shower but then you'd miss seeing some of the fastest meteors around. Not to mention their parent is the most famous comet of all.

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May Podcast: Big Dipper Shows the Way

High above you on May evenings is an one obvious star pattern that just about everyone knows: the Big Dipper. This “Swiss Army Knife of the sky” can help you find many other key springtime stars and constellations. Just download or stream this month’s Sky Tour podcast.

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What Happens After a Supernova Blows? Watch and Find Out

New time-lapse videos from the Chandra X-ray Observatory show the Crab Nebula and the Cassiopeia A supernova remnant over more than 20 years.

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A Cosmic Arrow Pierced Pluto's Heart — Is It Still There Beneath the Surface?

A giant impact likely formed Pluto's heart-shaped basin, Sputnik Planitia. A big chunk of the impactor’s core might still be buried under the ice.

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Earth’s Mini-Moon Linked to Farside Lunar Crater

Researchers might have located the birthplace of 469219 Kamo‘oalewa, a small asteroid that has been described as Earth’s “mini-moon.”

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, April 26 – May 5

All the planets now huddle around our line of sight toward the Sun. However, these moonless evenings present us the Spring Triangle, the Great Diamond with a sugar sprinkle on its edge, and the Pointers aligned vertically.

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Sail into the Southern Skies with Vela

The large constellation Vela contains many hidden treasures.

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How Saturn’s Moon Mimas Might Have Melted

Maybe everything in the outer solar system is an ocean world.

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Meteorites Tighten Timeline for Giant Planets’ Movement through the Solar System

By linking a family of meteorites on Earth to their relatives in the asteroid belt, scientists have arrived at a new understanding of the giant planets' movement early in the solar system's history.

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Sky & Telescope Joins the Northeast Astronomy Forum

Sky & Telescope met with readers old and new at the annual Northeast Astronomy Forum.

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Watch a Hotspot Orbit Our Galaxy's Black Hole

Astronomers have reconstructed a 3D video of hot gas orbiting a stone’s throw away from our galaxy’s central black hole.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, April 19 – 28

Springtime Leo walks high in the south, springtime Hydra snakes a quarter of the way around the celestial sphere, and the bright Moon aligns with Spica.

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See Amazing Views of the April 8th Total Solar Eclipse from Space

Millions of viewers were wowed by last week’s total solar eclipse. Now, we get to see the eclipse from another angle: space.

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Amateur Astronomers Caught Sungrazing Comet during Solar Eclipse

Wide-field photos of the total solar eclipse taken by several astronomers along the path of totality, caught a comet approaching the Sun.

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Jupiter Meets Uranus in Twilight; Supernova Erupts in Nearby Spiral Galaxy

Jupiter aligns with distant Uranus before it exits the evening sky as a bright supernova flares in the southern galaxy NGC 3621.

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NASA Struggles to Find Way Forward for Mars Sample Return

NASA's Perseverance mission has been collecting samples for later retrieval and return to Earth. Now, it's unclear how we'll get those samples home.

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See What Happens When Stars Collide

A star in the constellation Norma appears to have been created when two stars merged.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, April 12 – 21

Jupiter is easy to spot, shining low in the west at nightfall. Near it are Uranus and Comet Pons-Brooks, tougher catches that require binoculars or a wide-field telescope — and some finding skills.

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The Planet K2-18b May Not Be Habitable After All

New research suggests Exoplanet K2-18b may actually be a gas-rich planet with no habitable surface instead of a habitable water world.

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Plan Now for the 2026 Total Solar Eclipse in Europe

On August 12, 2026, a total solar eclipse will be visible across Greenland, Iceland, and Spain, with plenty of inspiring itineraries.

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