Space News & Blog Articles

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Starlink Satellites Don't Impact Science (Yet)

A new study of Starlink satellites’ impact on astronomy gives the community cause for both relief and concern.

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The James Webb Space Telescope Has Arrived at Its Destination

Fully deployed, the James Webb Space Telescope arrived at its new home today, in a halo orbit around the Earth-Sun L2 Lagrange point.

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Exploring a Magnetospheric Origin for Fast Radio Bursts

Astronomers are starting to close in on the origins of fast radio bursts — powerful, fleeting flashes of radio waves seen at extragalactic distances.

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Solar and Lunar Eclipses in 2022

Although no total or annular solar eclipses occur this year, skywatchers can look forward to two total lunar eclipses — the first ones observable across North America in more than 3 years.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, January 21 – 29

As Jupiter gets lower now, Orion and Gemini rise high, the Winter Triangle pivots on Sirius, the Great Square sinks and the Big Dipper creeps up.

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A New Scale-Model Solar System

The University of Colorado, Boulder, has unveiled a 1:10 billion scale-model solar system with an interactive sound experience.

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Set Your Sights on this Lunar Bull's-Eye

Go ahead, live on the edge: Grab your chance this month to see Mare Orientale, one of the most spectacular lunar seas most people have never seen.

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Interstellar Probe Proposed to Explore the Solar Neighborhood

A unique mission concept known as Interstellar Probe would venture beyond the solar system and probe our neighborhood environment.

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Watch a Large, Stony Asteroid Race Across the Sky

The kilometer-wide, potentially hazardous asteroid 1994 PC1 will fly past Earth on January 18th. Good news on two counts: It won't hit us, and it's bright enough to see in a 4-inch telescope.

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Needle in the Haystack: New Exomoon Candidate Found

Astronomers may have found a second Neptune-size exomoon hidden in the retired Kepler space telescope’s data.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, January 14 – 22

Jupiter stands alone at dusk. The Moon dances with Castor and Pollux while Iris creeps in the background. And you can't keep Venus down for long; its tiny crescent reappears at dawn.

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Astronomy in Pictures: Largest 3D Map of Our Universe and a Stellar Intruder

This week astronomers have announced the completion of the largest 3D map of galaxies across the cosmos, plus exquisite radio observations show what happens when a stellar intruder interrupts planet formation.

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Do the Plumes from Saturn’s Icy Moon Really Reach Down to Its Ocean?

Saturn’s icy moon Enceladus harbors a subsurface ocean, and many astronomers have believed that watery plumes erupting from its surface might provide an easy way to sample it. But computer […]

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1,000-light-year "Bubble" Is the Source of All Nearby Baby Stars

Supernovae that carved out the Local Bubble, a cavity around the Sun, have also triggered star formation at the bubble's edges.

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Stellar Streams Are Revealing Their Secrets

A detailed study of 12 streams of stars swirling in and around the Milky Way will ultimately help shed light on our galaxy's dark matter halo.

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Dwarf Galaxies Shed Light on Black Hole Origins

Astronomers are searching nearby dwarf galaxies for the ancient origins of supermassive black holes.

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The Flames of Orion and a Supergiant Star's End

Astronomers watch starbirth and stardeath, capturing a unique view of a stellar nursery and witnessing a supergiant's supernova.

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The Comet on Oak Hill

In the hills of northern Calirfornia, a 10-year-old boy discovered a comet's tail — and a lifelong passion for stargazing.

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Deployment of the James Webb Space Telescope Is Complete

The James Webb Space Telescope has unfolded its primary mirror, marking the end of the deployment phase for the observatory.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, January 7 – 15

Mercury draws close to Saturn low in twilight, then turns shy and runs away. Jupiter watches from above. The Moon, careless of such goings-on, waxes through first quarter to show off for your telescope.

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Astronomers Discover Celestial Ruins on Our Galaxy’s Edge

A stream of stars scattered across 15 degrees of sky was once part of a globular cluster torn apart by our galaxy’s gravity. The stars represent some of the oldest in the Milky Way.

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