Space News & Blog Articles

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Precious Hours with the Geminids

At first glance, the annual Geminid meteor shower appears to be on a collision course with a bright Moon. But a closer look reveals a happy window of dark skies.

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Giant Planet Imaged Around Massive Star

Astronomers have imaged a giant planet around a massive pair of stars, a discovery that challenges our notions of how planets form.

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Tiny Galaxy’s Giant Black Hole Throws Astronomers for a Loop

A satellite galaxy dwarfed by the Milky Way has a black hole nearly as massive as the one at the center of our galaxy.

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Astronomers Find Confounding Cone Shape in Cluster Collision

Galaxy clusters take eons to collide. Now, astronomers have caught a pair of merging clusters in an in-between stage never seen before.

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What's Next After the International Space Station?

NASA will end support for the International Space Station by 2030, transitioning low-Earth orbit to commercial operations.

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How Our Largest Dwarf Galaxy Keeps the Others In Line

New research may explain why satellite galaxies align themselves around the Milky Way

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See Comet Leonard at its Best

The year's brightest comet is now on display in the predawn sky this week and next. Here's how to find it.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, December 3 – 11

The crescent Moon at dusk hangs under Venus, then Saturn, then Jupiter. Comet Leonard is at its best before dawn. And welcome in, Orion!

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Nearest Supermassive Black Hole Pair Discovered

Astronomers have observed a pair of supermassive black holes set to collide in 250 million years.

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December: Geminid Meteors & Comet Leonard

December’s solstice brings the longest northern nights, and it’s a busy month for stargazers: the Geminid meteors, a visit from Comet Leonard, and a plethora of bright stars and constellations.

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Meet Proxima Centauri: The Closest Star

Proxima Centauri is the dimmest and smallest of the Alpha Centauri system, but it has the honor of being the nearest star.

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Astronomers Watch Black Hole Jet Launch

Astronomers have watched a jet launch from a stellar-mass black hole inside the Milky Way.

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Re: NGC 1647 Visible with the Unaided Eye

Hi Alan, Here's my observation of NGC 1647 with the unaided eye. We do live in a semi-arid area, the southern Okanagan Valley of British Columbia, but my backyard is […]

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, November 25 – December 4

While the Jupiter-Saturn-Venus line keeps shrinking, all kinds of deep-sky sights, naked-eye to telescopic, show themselves on these moonless evenings.

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NASA's DART Mission Launches for Head-on Collision with an Asteroid

The first-ever planetary defense mission is now on its way to the asteroid Didymos and its moon, Dimorphos.

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Deep-sky Fishing in Cetus, the Whale

Small telescopes can reel in some big ones in the constellation Cetus, the Whale.

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Solar Orbiter to Fly Past Earth Thanksgiving Weekend

The Solar Orbiter mission will fly past Earth Friday night, setting up a dramatic sunward plunge.

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Can This Near-Earth Asteroid Help Us Understand the First Interstellar Visitor?

Astronomers have observed an object like ‘Oumuamua — but unlike the first known interstellar visitor, this one is in the solar system.

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Did Astronomers Spot a Black Hole in Another Galaxy? Maybe Not

Astronomers might have spotted a stellar-mass black hole in another galaxy — but not everyone agrees with what they found.

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Getting Started in Deep-Sky Astrophotography

Shopping for gear to get started in astrophotography? Here's some sage advice before you max out all your credit cards.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, November 19 – 27

Orion now rises in the east around 8 p.m. Will Betelgeuse or Rigel be the first of his bright stars to come up? That depends on your latitude; Los Angeles and Atlanta are balance points. The Pleiades and Aldebaran watch this scene from high above.

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