Space News & Blog Articles

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Plutonian Mounts Aren’t Ice Volcanoes

Careful study of data from the New Horizons mission indicates that an iconic, caldera-looking feature isn’t an eruption site.

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Did Astronomers See a Distant, Dying Star? Or an Earth-bound Satellite?

What seemed a lucky break — the discovery of a gamma-ray burst in the most distant known galaxy — might instead be the flash of passing space debris. As satellites fill low-Earth orbit, such events might become common.

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Don't Postpone Joy: Why We Stargaze

Why do you stargaze? Amateur astronomer Jennifer Willis explores reconnection via the night sky.

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What Is a Quasar?

A quasar is a supermassive black hole gorging on gas in the heart of a distant galaxy.

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Addressing a Gap in Our Knowledge of Black Holes

Gravitational waves offer a test of whether supernovae can produce black holes between 55 and 120 times the Sun's mass.

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Cassiopeia Cornucopia — Pretty Little Clusters All in a Row

See nine unique open clusters in Cassiopeia while barely moving your telescope.

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October: Three Planets at Dusk

Take advantage of October's crisp, clear evenings and early-arriving dawns to explore the nighttime sky with our audio guided tour.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, October 1 – 9

Venus shines in twilight; watch Antares and the head of Scorpius slide toward it. Check out Jupiter, and hop from Saturn to two binocular double stars. The evenings are dark for deep-sky observing; the waning Moon crosses Leo before dawn.

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Comet 29P Undergoes Brightest Outburst in Recent Years

Catch one of the most active small bodies in the solar system during a rare superoutburst.

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BepiColombo to Fly By Mercury Tonight

BepiColombo is set to make the first of several flybys past Mercury on Friday, October 1st.

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60-second Astro News: Magnified Galaxies Provide Window to Early Universe

Astronomers use cosmic magnifying lenses to peer into the universe's distant past.

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Mars Hosted Supervolcanoes in the Ancient Past

Scientists have found massive ash deposits that formed over millions of years of volcanic super-eruptions, the first evidence for such explosive activity on Mars.

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Future Astronauts Might be Able to 3D Print Their own Spacesuits and Parts as Needed

Jupiter and Saturn shine in the south-southeast at dusk, Venus low in the southwest. They're all close to the ecliptic, so a straight line from Jupiter through Saturn points almost exactly to Venus. Don't believe it? Stretch a string tightly between your hands wide apart, hold it up to the three planets, and see for yourself!

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Hail-like “Mushballs” May Fall on All Our Giant Planets

"Mushballs," first inferred to exist on Jupiter, may fall within the atmospheres of all the solar system's giant planets.

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Supernova Blasts Make Way for Star Factories

Some 10 million years ago, dying stars cleared a giant cavity in space and ultimately inspired a new generation of star formation.

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Shredded Star Reveals Elusive Middle-Mass Black Hole

Astronomers have used the death of a star to uncover details about a hidden intermediate-mass black hole.

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Misfit Meteorite Sheds Light on Solar System History

Scientists have discovered the first meteorite that doesn't fall into one of two fundamental groups. The meteorite provides a unique glimpse into the era of asteroid formation and migration.

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NASA Announces Moon Landing Site for VIPER Mission

NASA’s VIPER rover will land and search for water ice in the unexplored Nobile region at the Moon's south pole.

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The Copernicus Program & Sentinel satellites

These four globular clusters are easy to find in autumn skies and a perfect way to welcome the season.

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CuPID Sun-Earth Space Weather CubeSat to Launch With LandSat-9

A small mission will hitch a ride to space in late September to study interactions at the Earth-Sun boundary.

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Infant “Hot Neptune” Provides Clues to Its Birth

How’d a nice young ice giant end up in such a hot orbit? Scientists investigate the mysterious exoplanet AU Microscopii b.

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