Space News & Blog Articles

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Night at the (Celestial) Museum

Take some time to explore the overlooked masterpiece of Messier 56.

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Milky Way Magnetar Spits Gamma Rays on Schedule

A Milky Way magnetar surprises astronomers by burping up gamma rays right when their predictions anticipated.

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Event Horizon Telescope Reveals Curious Jet Structure from Black Hole

Observations of the nearest radio galaxy, Centaurus A, provide the highest-resolution look at the long jets shooting from the galaxy’s supermassive black hole.

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NASA's Hubble Space Telescope Is Back in Action

After a tense month, the Hubble Space Telescope resumed operations this past weekend.

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Lost & Found: Milky Way-size "Orphan Cloud"

Astronomers have found a giant gas cloud, likely stripped from its parent galaxy long ago, in a cluster 330 million light-years away.

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Marvel streaming guide: Where to watch the Marvel movies and TV shows online

Venus shines in the western twilight as Mars sinks away. Jupiter and Saturn rise in late dusk. And after dark, Scorpius shows off at its very best in the south.

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Beating the Heat in Astrophotography

Keeping your camera cool is an essential element to obtaining good clean images in astrophotography.

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Why so much solar activity? Sun may be outpacing predictions.

Astronomers investigate the spiral arms of a young star's disk and find evidence of a disk so massive that it could collapse to form planets.

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Astronomy Jargon 101: Magellanic Clouds

NASA's Juno flew by Jupiter's Ganymede, the biggest moon in the solar system, on June 7, 2021.

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In Heaven with M7, a Portal Into the Deep

M7 in Scorpius is one of the brightest, most beautiful open clusters in the sky. It's also "home" to a half-dozen other delectable deep-sky sights.

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Mars Helicopter Scouts Risky Terrain for Perseverance Rover

The Ingenuity Mars helicopter has proven itself a valuable asset to Perseverance, scouting out terrain that the rover can't cross.

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NASA’s Kepler Finds Outcast Earths

Astronomers uncovered four new Earth-mass rogue planet candidates by searching for microlensing events observed with Kepler.

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Wildfires ravage Greek island of Evia

Here you'll find accompanying finder charts/images for Steve Gottlieb's article in the October 2021 issue of Sky & Telescope.

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Going Deep October 2021: Finder Charts

Use these finders to locate the Arp targets discussed in the Going Deep column in the October 2021 issue.

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What Will ESA's EnVision Learn at Venus?

ESA's EnVision mission to Venus adds to the growing number of spacecraft investigating our sister planet. How will they work together to understand our sister planet'?

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, July 9 – 17

Bright Venus and tiny Mars come to conjunction low in the western twilight, as the crescent Moon stands watch. On the other side of the sky, Saturn and Jupiter rise after dark. And before moonlight comes back, delve the deep sky in Scorpius and Sagittarius.

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Amateur Astronomer Discovers New Moon of Jupiter

An amateur astronomer has discovered a new moon of Jupiter. While it hasn't received official designation yet, it would bring the tally of Jovian satellites to 80.

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Stargazing Forecast: Will You Have Clear Skies Tonight?

These websites and apps can help you forecast the astronomical observing conditions for your next night out.

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NASA’s Curiosity Takes Step Toward Solving Mars Methane Mystery

New measurements from NASA’s Curiosity rover show that methane concentrations near the Martian surface vary on a daily cycle. The finding could help reconcile conflicting data.

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More Mysterious Buried Splotches on Mars Might Not be Liquid Water

Astronomers find more bright spots underneath Mars's south polar cap, but could they really be subterranean lakes?

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, July 2 – 10

Bright Venus and faint little Mars close in on each other low in the western twilight. Scorpius, laden with interesting stars and deep-sky targets, is highest in the south right after dark. Sagittarius, even richer, follows behind. Saturn and Jupiter rise in late evening.

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