Space News & Blog Articles

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What's Up at Star Parties?

When amateur astronomers and their families plan a vacation, they are increasingly likely to plan it around a star party. The big amateur gatherings have been growing in recent years, and new ones devoted especially to dark-sky observing are sprouting all over. True deep-sky star parties — as opposed to the more traditional, general-interest conventions […]

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Noctilucent Cloud Show, a Mercurial Nova, and More

Summer only lasts so long. Like everything, it's transient. That will be our theme as we explore wispy noctilucent clouds, a nova that can't sit still, and a supernova in NGC 5427 in Virgo.

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Return of the Star Parties

As many states roll back COVID restrictions, stargazers across the continent are excited to meet up with old and new friends at their favorite observing sites.

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July: Inner Planets Rule!

True darkness is fleeting in July, especially at higher latitudes. So make the most of the darkness you have, by downloading our narrated Sky Tour podcast to "what's up" in the night sky.

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Moon-size White Dwarf Is the Smallest Ever Found — Possibly Near Collapse

Astronomers have discovered a white dwarf only slightly bigger than the Moon, making it the smallest — as well as the most massive — ever found. It might even be on the edge of collapse.

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Gravitational Waves Reveal Black Hole–Neutron Star Mergers

Two new detections give astrophysicists a novel look at how stellar remnants pair up.

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What's Up at Star Parties?

A new analysis of old data suggests that some of our sister planet’s unique surface formations are due to a “squishy” crust and an active interior.

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ESA is Developing Microbe-Killing Coatings to Make Spaceflight Healthier

A study of 36 dwarf galaxies within a volume of space spanning 13 million light-years show they all have remarkably similar histories despite the vast distances between them.

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This Week's Sky at a Glance, June 25 – July 3

Showy Venus and shy little Mars draw closer together in the western dusk. In the east, the Summer Triangle holds sway after dark with the Milky Way behind it.

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Astronomers Map the Solar System's Edge in 3D

Collecting high-speed atoms has enabled researchers to trace the shape of our Sun’s protective bubble.

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Hubble Trouble: NASA Works to Fix Space Telescope

NASA Engineers are working to reboot the Hubble Space Telescope, after an unexpected anomaly.

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Giant Oort Cloud Comet Lights Up in the Outer Solar System

Astronomers have discovered a new comet coming from the Oort Cloud — and it appears to be a big one.

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Medium of the Light Bucket

Telescope operator Carla Johns is a medium to the stars.

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Ariane 5 launches pioneering reprogrammable telecommunications satellite

Astronomers are trying to understand why a giant star "blinked," fading almost completely before brightening again over the course of about 200 days.

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Astronauts are celebrating their own Summer Olympics in space (satellites, too)

If today’s solar eclipse has you wondering when the next one will cross the continent, start planning now for a stellar trip around October 14, 2023.

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What is the Planck time?

Summer begins. The Honey Moon poses with Spica, Scorpius, and the Teapot as it waxes from gibbous through full this week. Venus lines up, briefly, with Castor and Pollux

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